[Name a proof of god.]
Name a proof of God? Look around, Tim. Go to the zoo. Put a lion next to an elephant, and those next to a giraffe, and those next to an gorilla, and explain again how they evolved from a common ancestor. And do it straight-faced. Then read Romans 1.
Bitter that you failed Science at school are we? How about writing this 'I'm too stupid to get my head round the idea that it takes millions of years for animals to evolve from a common ancestor, so I'm going to read a jumped up piece of crap written by someone two thousand odd years ago because it is much easier for my pathetically small brain'
Much Better.
Hey why don't you go get the Old Testament God of the Torah, and hold it next to the Hebrew God El in their pantheon, and the New Testament God, and the God of Paul, and the God of the Jews and the God of Islam and the God of the Crusades and the God of the Inquisition and the God of the Reformation and the God of the Mormons and the God of The Jehovah's Witnesses and explain how they all have a common ancestor.
Uh uh! With a straight face now!
@JULIAN! (applause)
1. Look around. Done.
2. Go to the zoo. Done.
3. Put a lion next to an elephant. (Whew!) Done.
4. Put those next to a giraffe. Wasn't able to go any further with the animals, the zoo got pissed at me for jumping the fences and then the lion mauled my leg. Not done.
5. Explain how they evolved from a common ancestor. I could but I feel it would be lost on you.
6. Do it straight-faced. Can't. Wife is at work.
7. Read romans 1. Done. Just a bunch of bitchy rules about what people like to do in the privacy of their own home. It says you can't do a whole lot sexually. Now how did you show me a proof of god? Is your strange little wild goose chase supposed to give me some kind of answer, or are you comparing your rambling to the rambling of the bible? All you have proven is that you can make heads spin. That's not a sign of god, any dog can make himself dizzy.
"...an gorilla"?
First, my cute fundie friend, you must master the art of spelling and grammar. Then, and only then, you can lecture about evilution. Then you can go read Romans 1.
The Argument From Incredulity sounds more and more like the Argument From Arrogant Stupidity. Just because you failed high school biology doesn't mean the rest of us are sadly ignorant. Educate yourself, you moron!
And Mister Spak, I like your example.
The Design Argument for the existence of God hasn't been used by many theologians for centuries now. Even if evolution were false and everything was created by some intelligent being, that wouldn't prove that (a) the designer still exists (b)there was only one designer, (c) the design happened on earth, (d) the designer has any other powers, (e) the designer is benevolent, (f) the designer wasn't created by some higher designer. In other words, the Design Argument is pretty useless in proving the existence of anything like God, so most religious philosophers have given up on it, except perhaps as an adjunct to one of the other arguments (e.g., the Moral Argument).
Romans is useless, since one must first show the existence of God before Romans has any validity.
Ok. Go to a zoo, and you will see that tigers and lions, plus cats have something in common, totally opposite to say flies or mosquitoes. Romans 1, by the way, have nothing to do with evolution. Wrong answer.
"Name a proof of God?"
Yes, please.
"Look around, Tim. Go to the zoo. Put a lion next to an elephant, and those next to a giraffe, and those next to an gorilla, and explain again how they evolved from a common ancestor."
The ToE covers that without resorting to Goddidit.
"And do it straight-faced."
Will do, WTL.
"Then read Romans 1."
Just because Paul, a man living about 2 thousand years ago, attributed what he saw to creation by God, doesn't mean that it was or is true.
1) Your task is ludicrously easy to do.
2) Even if you were to disprove common descent, that would not prove the existence of any God, much less yours. There are many possible explanations, and disproving one does not automatically prove another.
(And the common ancestor for them is probably not bacteria - well, bacteria would be one common ancestor, but I'm fairly sure there's a more recent one.)
I could explain that since I have a vague knowledge of the so-called "Tree of Life".
The real challenge is getting me to read a Creationist verse of the Bible with a straight face.
"And then... PFFT! Wait, it gets better! On the fourth day, God created the planets and the Sun! WHAHAHAHAHA!! AFTER HE SAID LET THERE BE LIGHT, THEN he says HERE'S THE SUN! BWAHAHAHAAHAH!! *Collapses*"
The common ancestor was a slimy piece of primordial snot with no brains or backbone.
Wait, I've just described a fundie.
You don't need to put them together. That's crazy.
I can say they had a common ancestor without laughing. I can't say they were created with magic with a straight face.
Why do I need to read a Bible chapter?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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