"As for the discussion of Jonah and the great fish (just a note: the Bible never said anything about it being a whale), have you ever heard those reports of fisherman falling off of a whaling vessel and being found still alive in the belly of a whale?"
Oh my god. You can't seriously believe that shit. I've got a nice bridge for you if you do. Let me know.
"Run a search on it, it's a rather interesting thing. I saw one article of the sort that said the man's skin was completely bleached after his time in the belly of the whale. There's one reason that the people of Nineveh would have listened to Jonah: He smelled of old fish and had pure white skin and hair. Now THAT would have been freakish."
The fact that you believe any of this is "freakish." It's particularly so since you're living in the 21st century in a developed nation with access to the largest amount of instantly accessible information in human history literally at your fingertips.
"Anyway, I'd like to point something interesting out. Suppose that I am wrong (and I'm not), I haven't lost anything. If this were true, I'd just blink out of existence when I die, just like you would. No harm done. That isn't why I'm a Christian, but it's an interesting thought."
It wasn't "interesting" when Pascal proposed it and it's not "interesting" now. Inane maybe, but not interesting.
"I see your post (rather, posts), Lep, and I still don't think too highly of evolution. How is it possible that this world just pieced itself together?"
It didn't and how it came to be has nothing to do with evolution. If you're really interested you could try asking an astronomer about planet formation or a geologist about the composition of the earth.
"Where did the laws come from?"
They are inherent properties of the universe. You may as well ask why liquids are wet.
"What created gravity?"
See above.
"Why did evolution occur?"
Natural and sexual selection along with mutation.
"How did the intermediate creatures (AKA, missing links, which will remain missing unless frauds are made) survive?"
How are you surviving? No, I'm not being facetious. You are also an "intermediate."
"Why is there water on this planet and not on others?"
Didn't they just find water locked in the Mars poles? One of the moons of Saturn or Jupiter is thought to have liquid water beneath it's frozen surface. Comets are essentially giant snowballs.
"Why is it the only planet in our solar system with a breathable atmosphere?"
Because we evolved here. If we evolved on Venus then Venus would be the only planet in the solar system with a breathable atmosphere (assuming none of the others have a similar/identical one, of course).
"The theory of evolution is what created the search for extra-terrestrial life."
Not quite. Technological advance in fields like physics did. Someone noticed that we'd begun sending radio waves and had been for some time. It was also realized that if we were doing that then maybe, just maybe, someone else out there might also be doing that and we could listen in.
"There is no proof of any existing, yet we look for it anyway. Why? Evolution."
No. We search because we know that we exist so it's likely, given the vastness of the universe, that something else exists out there also. It's also likely that at some point, either in the past or in the future, they'll have developed technology that emits signals the same as we have. Now, they may be using something we haven't yet discovered or they may have not yet managed the technology but the possibility is there.
"The real reason for the national debt. Yes, America, your money is being spent on operations like the one they're running on Mars. Interesting, they still haven't found life. We never will."
They're not specifically looking for life on Mars. Even if they were, that would be funding going towards a biology project, not specifically an evolution project.