@VickiBell110 , @WillietheFly & @Amalchaaban #transphobia twitter.com

( @VickiBell110 )
Why are they always calling us anti-trans and not pro-women? Did they call gay right's activists anti-straights? #GenderCritical

Because we need to take back control of the language that they stole.
They’re not “rights”, it’s an ever-expanding series of DEMANDS that can never be satisfied.
Give them an inch…

Because calling us pro anything doesn't suit their "we are victims" propaganda push. It would remind people that women are being forced to accept this garbage & people might start paying attention to the homophobia & vicious misogyny involved in this garbage movement.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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