Anonymous Coward 79040818 #sexist

The Extremely Psychotic and Hypersensitive Personalities of All Women.

Even at the earliest toddler age, Females start to becone fussy and picky. And, the Adults in charge just lean back on their heels and smile/laugh about how Little Trixie "Sure Is A Girl!"

Then, Trixie continues to grow up into a grasping, demanding, controlling Bitch. Her life and perceptions for the rest of her life then are focused upon:

1.) Competing with all other Females to see who can be the most Picky and Manipulative Woman in their group of chitty chat acquaintences.

2.) Gaining a reputation for having the most seamlessly displayed expression of their feelings and moods, using hair, attire, makeup, Female hormones, bitchy mouth, shoe styles, furniture, figure, skin tone, and credit purchases.

3.) Showing a pathologic conpulsion to endlessly run their mouth about all things they see and imagine.

4.) Being deluded to think they are doing all of this "For My Family and The Safety of My Children!" In fact, she worships the little shit spawns. They can do no wrong while under her psychotic management.

This is why Females are useless without Male direction, why they all either take or should take antidepressants, why they cannot logically drive a car, and why there exist no major Female Cosmologists.

Lol. "I Just Don't Feel Comfortable With That!"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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