The Stargate Experience Academy/Alcazar #ufo #magick #quack

We Invite You To Join Us!

Gathering daily in love, in hope, in creativity, and in communion.

Our intention with this series is to:

Create an oasis of Oneness to assist each one of us in lifting above the mass unconscious

Share Alcazar’s understandings of the current planetary situation

Forge pathways out of our limitations and into freedom

Consciously align with our highest potentials everyday

Relax - Rejuvenate - Invigorate

Beloved Ones, We Greet Thee, ‘tis Alcazar,

An oasis is a place that the weary traveler looks forward to achieving - a place to relax, a place to rejuvenate, recharge before moving on.

And so, we wish to create an oasis of Stargate energetics, an oasis of understanding and support, an oasis which allows you to relax in these troubling times, an oasis to rejuvenate your energy and to excite you about creating a whole new level of your personal future...

To excite you, to remind you that you are not alone, that you are traveling with thousands of people around the world, holding energetic hands together.

Gathering everyday in love, in hope, in creativity and a communion, which is creating a stronger and stronger Stargate Global Community Morphic Field - an energetic source that you can call upon at any moment, anytime, to invigorate you, to energize you.

We invite you to bring your energy, your support, your creativity, your contribution to this Stargate Global Family as you move together in a beautiful level of harmony, intention and creativity, as you support each other on your path into freedom.

Come, Join Us!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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