
Stargate Experience Academy #magick #ufo #mammon thestargateexperienceacademy.com

Join Us In Slovenia!

September 5th - 8th, 2024
10am - 6 pm Each Day (Local Time)

Are you feeling a deep inner calling
to elevate your consciousness and
shift into a new empowered version of yourself?

We invite you to join us for Accelerated Ascension, a 4-day personal transformation journey, hosted by world renowned channels, Asil Toksal of Evolution One, and Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard of the Stargate Experience.
Connect with your inner mastery
and remember who you truly are

Over the course of 4 days, you will join thousands of others around the world in a high vibrational energetic field in which great transformation can happen, so that you can step into the greatest version of yourself and experience the vast potential you hold within.

Together, in collaboration with one another and the sacred geometric structure known as the Stargate, Asil, Prageet, and Julieanne’s channeled energies become amplified and reach everyone intending to receive, wherever they are, as these energies transcend space and time.

Empower your life in these changing and shifting times, enhance your sense of aliveness, and accelerate your awakening so that you can start to experience more and more of that which you truly are.

Broadcast from Portoroz in Slovenia, you will receive gentle support to activate your Ascension Templates, and deepen and build upon previous templates received, allowing you to bring the fullness of your spiritual being here and become a powerful creator of your own reality.
Join Us For Accelerated Ascension III
On the Mediterranean Sea in Slovenia!

When we all come together in person it creates a HUGE boost in our individual elevation and creativity! This venue has a space for 1100 people, and it will be amazing to experience these strong amplified energies in person!
Early Bird Price
Until June 30th

Regular Price
After July 1st

Limited number of these
tickets available!

<Food and Accomodations not included of course>

The Stargate Experience Academy #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon thestargateexperienceacademy.com


According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy.

Everything that exists in this universe is aligned in an energy continuum.

Energy flows constantly from these highly refined subtle realms from the causal world down through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels and finally into the material realm of existence.

Everything that exists on Earth exists within is own Energetic Continuum, our bodies being a perfect example. We also have several other layers of energetic bodies. Through all these layers of energy, an Energetic Continuum flows from the highest, most refined subtle bodies down to the material body.

The energy flowing through the Energetic Continuum comes from one source.

In India, it is called the Divine Mother. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and many modern, New Age spiritual teachings call it Cosmic Energy. Modern physics calls it Zero-Point Energy or Free Energy. It is also called the Field, The Vacuum, and the Vortex. Alcazar calls it The Quantum Field.

​Zero-Point Energy is formless. It is the source of everything. Tachyon Energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy. Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Rather, it includes all energies within itself. Its qualities are much like Zero-Point Energy, varying only in that it is a structured field.
The Tachyonization process:

is not a frequency, spin or manipulation
does not use sound, is not a radionics or SE% transfer
does not use sacred geometry to inform products
is not a photon-based technology, does not use crystals or orgon technologies
does not use magnets and is absolutely NOT operator sensitive.

Stargate Tachyon Globe Pricing

A Tachyon Stargate Globe is $250

The Globes are about 5" in diameter, include the 4" x 4" Stargate Experience stand, and come in a padded gift box.

The Stargate Experience Academy/Alcazar #ufo #magick #quack thestargateexperienceacademy.com

We Invite You To Join Us!

Gathering daily in love, in hope, in creativity, and in communion.

Our intention with this series is to:

Create an oasis of Oneness to assist each one of us in lifting above the mass unconscious

Share Alcazar’s understandings of the current planetary situation

Forge pathways out of our limitations and into freedom

Consciously align with our highest potentials everyday

Relax - Rejuvenate - Invigorate

Beloved Ones, We Greet Thee, ‘tis Alcazar,

An oasis is a place that the weary traveler looks forward to achieving - a place to relax, a place to rejuvenate, recharge before moving on.

And so, we wish to create an oasis of Stargate energetics, an oasis of understanding and support, an oasis which allows you to relax in these troubling times, an oasis to rejuvenate your energy and to excite you about creating a whole new level of your personal future...

To excite you, to remind you that you are not alone, that you are traveling with thousands of people around the world, holding energetic hands together.

Gathering everyday in love, in hope, in creativity and a communion, which is creating a stronger and stronger Stargate Global Community Morphic Field - an energetic source that you can call upon at any moment, anytime, to invigorate you, to energize you.

We invite you to bring your energy, your support, your creativity, your contribution to this Stargate Global Family as you move together in a beautiful level of harmony, intention and creativity, as you support each other on your path into freedom.

Come, Join Us!