MP George Galloway (Rochdale-WPB) #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia

In a clip from an interview with Novara Media, the Rochdale MP said: “I don’t want my children prematurely sexualised at all, I don’t want them taught that some things are normal when their parents don’t believe that they’re normal”

“Now there’s lots of things not normal, doesn’t mean you have to hate something that isn’t normal. But if my children are taught that there’s – whatever the current vogue number is – 76 or 97 or whatever the number of purported genders that exist, I don’t want my children taught that”

Galloway leads the Workers Party of Britain and became the MP for Rochdale in February[…]
Speaking to Novara, Galloway said he didn’t want children to be taught “that gay relationships are exactly the same and as normal as a mum, a dad and kids”

He added: “I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain, in society across the world, is a mother, a father and a family”

“I want them to be taught that there are gay people in the world and that they must be treated with respect and affection as I treat my own gay friends and colleagues with respect and affection but I don’t want my children to be taught that these things are equal because I don’t believe them to be equal”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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