Larry Tomczak #fundie
"This is a day of infamy."
Addressing a conference in the hills of North Carolina, these are the exact words I communicated upon hearing the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. My heart was very heavy. I plunged into a period of mourning. I'm still there while praying and reflecting. This is serious.
Pastors and politicians usually have to feel the heat before they see the light. Now we are crossing the Rubicon to face the chilling consequences of this horrible decision.
Dr. James Dobson told us in a national prayer conference call a month ago that an unfavorable ruling would not be the end but only the beginning of our woes. Consider just a few of the ramifications surfacing as gay activists have the momentum, the media, the money and multitudes of politicians and pop-culture personalities in their pocket.
Franklin Graham accurately said regarding the White House rainbow light-up ceremony, "God is the One who gave the rainbow and it was associated with His judgment."
Besides the President's in-your-face, shameful display of gay/rainbow colors on the White House (what is to be the symbol for all Americans—the "People's House"), came the advertising campaigns from corporations celebrating this ruling. Just as my wife and I were preparing to withdraw our funds from Wells Fargo for their aggressive gay advocacy, Coca-Cola ran their ad with two gay guys and their "adopted" baby, "We Choose Happiness Over Tradition."
When attorney Donald Verrilli warned during SCOTUS oral arguments that "It's going to be an issue" regarding churches and tax-exempt status, we're already hearing New York Times "Beliefs" columnist Mark Oppenheimer communicate the following, "Rather than try to rescue tax-exempt status for organizations that dissent from stated public policy on matters of race and sexuality, we need to take a more radical step. It's time to abolish or greatly diminish, their tax-exempt status."
Time magazine asked AIDS activist Larry Kramer, "Did you ever imagine the US would be where we are today in terms of widespread acceptance of gays?" He responded, "And a plague that's really causing genocide among gay people and people of color."
God gave me a practical plan: Challenge people to take 30 days and invest 15 minutes a day in a 3 step process to develop a biblical worldview and confidence in addressing our country's controversial issues: 1. Review a video—3 min. 2. Read an article—10 min. 3. Reflect and pray—2 min. The title of the book is Bullseye and it'll help us "hit the mark" in sharing the gospel and biblical truth to dispel deception and foster spiritual awakening.
I invite your prayer support as we finalize this project. May this be one of many divine strategies given by God at this tipping point in America's history.