Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
In the Republican controlled majority, we must pass my bill, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, to stop so called “gender affirming care.”

Puberty blockers and cutting off children’s body parts is not affirming, it’s child abuse.

This must be a top priority.

Tomorrow, I will introduce the Protect Children’s Innocence Act to criminalize the child abuse that many call “gender-affirming care.”

My legislation would immediately make it a felony to subject children to puberty blockers or horrific “sex change” genital surgeries.

It also blocks all taxpayer-funding for these barbaric procedures, bans colleges from teaching it, and prohibits foreign aliens who commit these appalling acts from entering the U.S.

( @JWMorgan )
@repmtg you're assuming the democrats don't steal the election... maybe voter fraud needs to be a priority so the other issues have a chance of being solved

( @Mule23skido )
@repmtg How about stopping the invasion at our southern border first? Mark my words the progressives are going to try to amnesty all the illegals they let in in the lame duck session? ILLEGALS AND CRIME go hand in hand.

( @WakeTheFuckUp )

Virtually no one in the country is trying to get sex change operations for their kids.

I think you should worry about the 2.5 years of scamdemic tyranny that just took place and the virtually imminent famine.

Save the tranny kid shit for a later date.

You're really starting to make yourself look like a fucking shill.

( @NavyJR )
@repmtg I believe there are already laws on the books that criminalize abuse of children, including sexual abuse thereof, which the whole "gender" notion, in fact, is. Those laws need to be enforced, & the criminals all prosecuted.

( @ReneeRose )
@repmtg Good luck fighting through all the fraud and corruption currently going on. Mutilating children was a purposeful act by democrats.

( @ThePowerofGreyskull )
@repmtg You need yo do something about Jewish influence on our Nation.

But I guess it's the same thing.



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