femlez34 #transphobia ovarit.com

Oh my god, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I would say for a lot of allies, they really just don't know any AGP TIMs irl. Maybe one of their friends has a 12 year old daughter who is experimenting with her hair and wearing bowties or something and they see it as normal adolescent exploration, they hear people they respect on tv telling them that trans people really do have the brains of the opposite sex and they believe it. Why wouldn't they? No one has enough time in the day to question literally everything they hear and quit their jobs to go do scientific research on everything. We're a trusting species. Every morning when I turn on my tap to get a drink of water I'm trusting hundreds of government officials and utility company employees and my building management that this water is safe.

I peaked the same way you did, being sexually harassed non-stop in lesbian spaces by AGPs. Like you said, it becomes impossible to believe that this person has a "girl brain" when they don't act anything like any woman you've ever met. I've never met a woman who blows up and threatens to rape me when I politely turn her down for a date. I have a bi friend who was stalked by a TIM that would hang out on her block and text her that he would knock her unconscious when she came home from work. Instead of being innocent people who are safer than "cis" men, it's the opposite. TIMs have a much higher concentration of sexual predators and perverts than normal men, and the prison statistics back it up (TIMs incarcerated at 4x the rate of normal men, and ~50% of them in jail for sex offenses compared to ~10% of regular men). These are not people who need a green light to walk into public locker rooms so that they can get a sexual thrill from flashing their penises at 6 year old girls. We need to keep waking people up to the reality of this situation.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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