Jah Truth #fundie #crackpot jahtruth.net

Luke starts to learn to use the "Force," firstly trying to use his human eyes, then later whilst wearing a helmet with the "blast-shield" down (Ephesians 6 v 17) so that he cannot see, symbolising "blind-faith".

He is told not to trust his human eyes because they can deceive him (like yours deceive you) but to stretch out with his feelings (not human emotions) and feel the "Force" around him, guiding him and protecting him from attack.

The "Light-sabre" symbolises a combination of the Guiding-Light ("I am the Guiding-Light of the world" - John 8 v 12), and the Two-edged Sword of TRUTH (Ephesians 6 v 17; Hebrews 4 v 12; Revelation 1 v 16 & 19 v 15) [like "Excalibre" - the Sword of Power] which guides people with "blind-faith" and cuts through the lies; deceit and evil of this evil empire (Earth) and protects you from evil attack, both mental and physical, like a suit of armour (Ephesians 6 v 10-19). "He who draws Excalibre (the TRUTH) from this 'Stone' (Christ - Genesis 49 v 24; Daniel 2 v 34; 1 Peter 2 v 4-9) shall be king" (Revelation 1 v 6) - FREE (John 8 v 32, 36; 1 Corinthians 7 v 22).

The "remote" ball that shoots out red "fiery darts" to attack him from all angles, symbolises the way that Satan will attack you from every possible angle if you do good in the world (Ephesians 6 v 16) and that, using the "Force" and the "Light-sabre", you can always defend yourself (Ephesians 6 v 10-19). Satan will always attack anyone who does good in the world because by doing good you have become a threat to him. He will attack you from every possible angle; from within telepathically, with fear and your imagination running riot; and from without by sending people to get in your way to try to stop you.

To be able to wear the "Force's" Armour you have to first be able to find it and you can only do that by following the Guiding Light's instructions (Christ's True Secret Teaching in John 3 and the Gospel of Thomas - The Doubter), even if you do it unknowingly.

Once Luke feels the "Force" and blocks the "fiery darts", O.B.1 tells him he has "just taken his first step into a larger world" - the real world, the spirit world, immortality and eternity and is no longer a slave to this material world, but has taken his first step into God's Kingdom here on Earth.



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