various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Keepinitlive )
Yoel Roth and Vijaya Gadde both have ethno states to return to if the heat ever got too hot from running an insurgency on the US.
Luckily for them that they completed their insurgency and were able to install a hostile, and illegitimate government into place before being caught.
( @LongDuckDong45 )
@Keepinitlive and their ethno states have virtually zero diversity
( @gingee )
@Keepinitlive That is exactly what American citizens need to realize. Illegal invaders have another country to go back to while we are left to drown in their shit and the Jew sits atop of their One Eyed Pyramid watching with delight.
( @arotothen )
@Keepinitlive oh no, I just realized that Musk's Twitter Files™ is just the next chapter in White America's Humiliation Ritual and that nothing will ever happen to these demons.
( @rothschildkissmyass )
@Keepinitlive Jewish privilege is real, White privilege isn't. Jews have been enjoying special status since the invention of fictitious Holo hoax... This is what happens when Jews control banks, they control nations...
@Keepinitlive It’s funny they can have dual citizenship because if I remember correctly you have to renounce citizenship to become a legal immigrant in America.
Seems like kike privilege to me.
( @ksitara )
@GRIMHATE @Keepinitlive You used to have to give up Indian citizenship to become a citizen of another country but India changed that a few years back to being able to have dual citizenship. No one should be able to have citizenship in America unless they give up their previous citizenship.
( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@GRIMHATE @Keepinitlive Israel is used as a safe haven for Jewish pedophiles and terrorists. Including the operatives involved in 9/11.
@Rabbi_Spacelaser @Keepinitlive Yup they commit atrocities then flee to Israhell.
They’ll be nuked soon by Iran I bet.
Whites shouldn’t join the military anymore then the browns and lgbt kill all die fighing for the kikes.