Obama has been draping himself in families of the children murdered in Newtown. MSNBC's Martin Bashir suggested that Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats' gun proposals. (Let's start with Meghan McCain!)
Ann Coulter has been draping herself in desperation as she frantically tries to defend the indefensible without seeming to be defending it.
And it's a good thing she's a christian, because if she was a Democrat she would be advocating killing people she disagrees with.
True, Republicans won't support anything like sensible gun control or gay marriage until it's a member of their own family who is affected.
But Ann Coulter suggesting that Meghan McCain be killed... well, nobody ever suggested that Ann is intelligent. She's not doing the pro-gun crowd any favors, as they're already trying to fight the image of being a bunch of trigger happy nutjobs.
I wonder now if Ann Coulter's hate-on for Meghan McCain is really just a secret crush from a desperately repressed closet case, or just her bitter, bitter jealousy of a younger woman who has way more street cred and public regard than Ann could ever dream of having. This Democrat respects Ms McCain, in any case; hers is one of the few sane voices left in the Republican party. Meghan is a pretty good role model for young lesbians and women in general. Plus, she's a good looking young lady, isn't she, Ann?
Ah yes, the right wing's spokeshrew.
It's only a matter of time until she completely fades into nothingness.
Why isn't this Bashir person the one being cited here?
I mean, Coulter is tasteless, but the most shocking thing to me is the suggestion that someone needs to have a member of their family killed.
Edit: Oh wait, turns out he didn't mean it like that! Coulter was twisting facts again. How stupid.
@ Canuovea:
Here's the question/comment Bashir made when talking to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MA) about the possible Republican filibuster for any further gun legislation in congress:
“Bashir suggested that members of Congress should not have to experience the death of a family member to understand that gun violence was a problem.
'But Congressman, is that what needs to happen to move these senators to stop threatening a filibuster?' Bashir asked. 'Is that really what needs to happen? That you need to have a member of your family killed in order for you to do what the American people want you to do?'"
And if he didn't "drape himself in families of the children murdered in Newtown," you would be bitching about how he ignored the families of the children murdered in Newtown. Regardless of what Obama does, your lot will find fault with it.
"(Let's start with Meghan McCain!)"
Have the police been told about this? I don't think Coulter is about to go out and do it herself, but it's not hard to imagine some nutjob (the type who takes Ann Coulter seriously) seeing this and deciding it's not such a bad idea.
Edit: Ooh, sweet, an Ann Coulter quote with only one transphobic comment on it.
If Ann Coulter really said this, I would suggest that she should show the way by getting herself shot first. It's hard to imagine that anyone could make such a flippant remark about such a deeply reaching matter. It's just plain lacking in humanity. I have the impression that it was women would say thingslike this who made lampshades out of human skin in Nazi concentration camps.
Pure evil. Just pure evil.
One more time.
Ann Coulter hates Democrats, and she hates without reason.
Now please don't ask why. No one dare call it treason.
It could be that her head isn't screwed on quite right.
It could be perhaps that her shoes are too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all, may be that her skull is two sizes too small.
Good night Mrs. Calabash, and forgive me Dr. Seuss, wherever you are.
To: #1528291, Alencon : thank you so much for that mental image!
By the way, isn't Coulter the person who took a shot at the 9/11 widows once?
Martin Bashir suggested that Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats' gun proposals.
That's probably true. Unless something personally affects a Republican they couldn't give two shits about fixing it. Just look at how the RNC treated Christie when he had the gall to ask for money after hurricane Sandy. Or how it took having gay offspring to make Cheney and Portman support gay marriage. The GOP only takes care of themselves, their friends, and their family, screw everyone else.
'SCUSE ME?! WHO are the ones who bleat about "the poor unborn/suffering children!" any time you guys want to elicit a response?
Abortion comes up. "OMG! the poor children, being killed en masse, won't anyone think of the children?!"
Gay rights comes up. "OMG! The poor children, other kids will bully them because they have two mommies/daddies, won't anyone think of the children?!"
Women's rights comes up. "OMG! The poor children, they simply must have a mother barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, won't anyone think of the children?!"
Obama brings up a point when it's becomnig a real danger to children, but it's on a point you disapprove of and suddenly the practice is distasteful? Fuck you, you hypocritical, androgynous...fuck, I'd call her a cunt, but she lacks the depth and warmth.
Okay, I despise Ann Coulter as much as the next semi-conscious thinking person, but can we stop using the transphobic comments & using "androgynous" as an insult? It's as bad as calling someone a "fag" as an insult... and I (as well as other members here) will not stand for that shit.
Non prophet:
Since Ann and her fellow fundies use those terms as insults they deserved to be insulted with the same words.
Also it's the only langauge they understand, so how else is it possible to communicate with them?
Actually, you're right, Non Prophet. As a gay man, I should know better to use words like that. I retain hypocritical, and maintain that cunt is too good for her, though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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