Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body.
A demon called Ugliness is found in many persons. His job is to harass his host by continuously stating the he/she is repulsive and ugly. Ordinarily these spirits are born in a person or enter at such an early age that they seem always to have been there. Even handsome men and very beautiful women can be tormented cruelly by these lying spirits. Self Hatred and Insecurity are found teamed with Ugliness to increase the victim’s misery.
Gad! You're right! I just Googled "baptist pastors" then pressed 'Images' and received a screen full of demon haunted ugliness. Try it yourself Win, if the Ugliness demon is not too trying for you. Personally, I find him to be a bundle of laughs.
Joanne Worley has a pocket book with your name on it.
It's called Bondo and spray paint. To me, they look dead. You want ugly? Ann Coulter will be ugly no matter what she does to her appearance... and you're right, she will look twenty years younger when she's dead.
"Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body. "
I believe the reason for this is the makeup the undertaker uses.
A demon called Stupidness is found in many fundies. His job is to shut down the fundies brain so he constantly posts gibberish like Win Worley does.
I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body.
Or the complete relaxation of the facial muscles could be because they're fucking dead. See? No hocus-pocus needed to explain that one.
"Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body."
You know they plaster makeup all over the corpse, right?
"A demon called Ugliness is found in many persons."
I don't know about him, but his cousin Stupidity seems to run rather rampant.
"His job is to harass his host by continuously stating the he/she is repulsive and ugly."
Sounds like you have image issues. Perhaps you should just go see a therapist. Maybe they can help you get over this demon delusion while you're there.
"Ordinarily these spirits are born in a person or enter at such an early age that they seem always to have been there. Even handsome men and very beautiful women can be tormented cruelly by these lying spirits. Self Hatred and Insecurity are found teamed with Ugliness to increase the victim’s misery."
Where do you people get this shit?
Are. You. Mental?! Have you ever seen an unembalmed dead body before? The reason cadavers at funerals look like that is because their bodily fluids have been replaced with formaldehyde. Also, it's fucking creepy.
It's sad that even the more mainstream fundies who stumble across this guy's website probably believe in similar demonic possessions. I heard on the radio about some fundie (granted, she was fundie Catholic, not Protestant) who thinks that tatoos, particularly ones of dragons, are Satanic symbols that invite demonic possession. Her "evidence" included the fact that when she rubbed consecrated oil on someone's back in some bizarre exorcism ritual, lumps of skin allegedly stood up. Of course, the most likely explanation is that the man was allergic to the oil. This level of base stupidity is typical among fundies.
Funny, I thought it was heavy makeup! *eyeroll*
Demon of Ugliness?!!
Lose Whirly of Hogwarts Baptist Church is totally off his rocker...what a spazz!
Oh, by the way, let's see the same corpse a week later, like another poster said, the Ugly Demon is merely gathering his fellow Uglies for a new permanent home.
I think it has more to do with gobs of make up, artificially inflating the veins and capillaries with fluid and other tricks of the mortician's trade.
I've heard that a mortician can make a victim of a shotgun wound to the face appear somewhat presentable.
As opposed to say the complete relaxation of all facial muscles following the cessation of nerve functioning?
I didn't start getting rid of my self-loathing and insecurity until I abandoned religion, so fuck you.
@ papabear
I looked it up on Google translate.
Hege means cherish.
As for wisch:
piece of paper
piece of bumph
So cherished piece of bumph would be an approximate
but fairly appropriate translation!
>Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body.
Or, it could just be a talented makeup person who works at the funeral home- Nah, that's too simple an explanation. Occam's razor and all that.
Internet liberals, get off my side
That's "LOL! You're stupid!" Read much?
As for Coulter, ugliness, as is beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't poke her with a stick.
Morticians have the incredibly morbid job of making dead bodies look good. Embalming, specialized makeup, proper attire, they take care of everything so we have a farewell that doesn't give us nightmares.
I salute them and their nerves of steel.
Enough is enough, your religion is NOT an effective replacement for education. I think it's high time we stop accepting it as a valid opinion, people simply do not have the right to be so stupid that it hurts other people. Freedom of Religion doesn't mean you get to be a retard. It doesn't mean your stupidity is just as a valid as proven scientific theories.
I worked at a funeral home for a summer when I was in college (McDonalds wasn't hiring.) My job was to drive the body. What happens is basically the technician that they hired drained them of any and all liquid them pumped them full of formaldehyde and other chemicals that stopped the decay process. Then somebody dressed them and put a shit ton of make up on (sometimes even dyeing the hair as well as other processes), put it in the coffin and then had me drive the hearse to the church/graveyard/crematorium/wherever.
If you didn't do that process, it wouldn't be pretty and more funerals would be closed casket.
I worked at a funeral home for a summer when I was in college (McDonalds wasn't hiring.) My job was to drive the body. What happens is basically the technician that they hired drained them of any and all liquid them pumped them full of formaldehyde and other chemicals that stopped the decay process. Then somebody dressed them and put a shit ton of make up on (sometimes even dyeing the hair as well as other processes), put it in the coffin and then had me drive the hearse to the church/graveyard/crematorium/wherever.
If you didn't do that process, it wouldn't be pretty and more funerals would be closed casket.
2/17/2011 4:14:54 PM]
....Not to mention smelly. Yecch!
Right, so what about, say for instance, a girl who I find utterly gorgeous and who a good friend of mine thinks is completely unattractive? Is she also infected with a demon? Or could it be that, like the old adage goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
Better check that bible.
I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body.
Or maybe it's the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the facial muscles, no longer receiving oxygen from the blood, begin to die, first contracting (rigor mortis) because they're unable to undo the contraction process due to the lack of a chemical called ATP, and later loosening as the cells (which don't yet know the body is dead) attempt to metabolize anaerobically, which causes the tissue to deteriorate due to an accumulation of lactic acid so it can no longer contract.
Actually, I'm not sure anyone really wants to know this about dead bodies ...
Wait, you're serious?
I've only seen one body in a casket, as we normally have closed caskets at funerals over here. That body (of my husband's maternal grandfather) looked strange; it had way too much make-up and it definitely looked dead.
What empirical evidence do you have of this spirit/demon?
As "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", does the spirit also possess people who look at the ugly person?
It's simply insane how such a worldview as this can continue to exist in a western society with instantaneous mass-communications, libraries and schools in every city and televisions, radios and computers in every home.
Consider the following sentence and ask if it doesn't fit right in with these clowns' feeble worldview: "When you prick an egg on that little egg-pricking machine before you boil it, you scare away the demon of egg-unprickedness who likes to ruin your day by breaking your eggs when you boil them."
Everything is caused by demons - an answer to everything and an explanation for nothing.
This... isn't actually so bad. Anthropomorphizing and treating emotions as something sentient and malevolent isn't wise, of course. Take out the anthropomorphics, and you have a bit of wisdom in there.
"Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. I believe that reason for this to be the complete relaxation of all facial muscles when the spirits promoting strain and tension leave the body.
A demon called Ugliness is found in many persons."
image image image
Perhaps you have noticed that certain people very often speak and act more stupidly than they look. I know the reason for this to be the complete retardation of all neurological activity because they were 'hoemskuled'.
A demon called Fundie Ignorance is found in such persons.
Proof? Someone named Fail Worley has no concept of places known as Funeral Homes , which have experts - undertakers - who use processes, one of which is 'Embalming', amongst other techniques to preserve the body - certainly at least for the funeral of said deceased person (if it's for an 'Open Coffin' pre-funeral ceremony).
Denial of Reality and Subconscious Insecurity are found teamed with Fundie Ignorance to increase the pointing & laughing by others, to increase the victim's 'Persecution Complex' misery
"I believe..."
I would like it if people would stop beginning their arguments with 'I believe'. What you personally believe is irrelevant to the truth of your following statements.
Provide evidence of 'spirits' and 'demons' and then we'll talk.
@ John:
Wait, if the cells are continuing to anaerobically materialize, then how are they dead?
@ Internet liberals, get off my side:
That's not really true at all. Check the comments again. A lot of them are pointing out the existence of FUNERAL HOMES.
I've seen "untreated" dead people, and believe me, they looked a lot better when they were alive.
Though I'd be interested to know how you think rigor mortis works.
LOL, and here I thought it was MAKEUP.
If there were actually "ugly demons," imagine the money you could make casting them out...
Seriously?? This is one of the many reasons I ran as far away from this cult as possible as soon as I was of age and no longer under the control of my mother who bought this shit hook, line and sinker. Win, you dead, hypocrital waste of flesh and air. Your was of distorting truth and reality stole my teenage years and made me a social retard that took years to undo. I hope you've found your reward. The day I heard of your death I rejoiced knowing the hate filled propaganda you needed to spew to control your cult members was no longer to be heard. May your 'reward' be as just and understanding as you were.
Every ugly commend I read on this web page, shows me that each one of you need deliverance, to find out what your personality is really like. Darkness says that good is bad, and bad is good. Each and everyone will stand before the KING of KINGS one day !!! Hope you have an answer. No wonder this country is in such a mess. The ending of the movie ghost shows how the devil grabs the ones that have been giving him endorsements. GOD DOES NOT, WILL NOT CHANGE, NOT EVEN FOR YOU. You cannot play russian roulette with your eternity!!! You read your car manuel, why not read YOUR souls manuel!!! And if you think that the enemy will let you voice your opinion once your dead, bad news, he holds all the cards. He will truly enjoy, torturing, that is how he gets his jollies.
WE WILL SEE WHO HAS THE LAST LAUGH??? UGLINESS IS COWARDLY,FOUL MOUTH, MEAN, it stinks around the world. THAT IS WHEN YOU SAY WHY DID GOD LET THIS HAPPEN, He did not YOU did. Your actions and stinking thinking produces all these results that you get. THANK YOU WIN WORLEY FOR YOUR COURAGE TO GRAB THIS TIGER BY THE HORNS, AND SHOW US THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM. OF BINDING AND LOOSING matt 16:19. I believe he was about the only minister let into the kingdom, for sacrificing his whole life, for foul mouthed people like you. With all the education he had he could have run a company and enjoy all the luxuries of life. Legions are in you, have FUN. They have plans for YOU!!!
WE WILL SEE WHO HAS THE LAST LAUGH??? UGLINESS IS COWARDLY,FOUL MOUTH, MEAN, it stinks around the world. THAT IS WHEN YOU SAY WHY DID GOD LET THIS HAPPEN, He did not YOU did. Your actions and stinking thinking produces all these results that you get. THANK YOU WIN WORLEY FOR YOUR COURAGE TO GRAB THIS TIGER BY THE HORNS, AND SHOW US THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM. OF BINDING AND LOOSING matt 16:19. I believe he was about the only minister let into the kingdom, for sacrificing his whole life, for foul mouthed people like you. With all the education he had he could have run a company and enjoy all the luxuries of life. Legions are in you, have FUN. They have plans for YOU!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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