Imagine all of the things that we wouldn’t do if we were really aware that Hashem and the NSA were recording all of our actions, 24 hours a day. Imagine all of the sins that we wouldn’t do, simply because we would be afraid of having to pay the price later! How much more righteous would we be??
So there you have it: more awareness of Hashem = less sinful behavior = less harsh judgments. Go ahead and say it. I’m a genius.
You have to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.
I don't think that "1984" should be the guideline to behavior in society. neither do I think that it's moral or righteous to see punishments and rewards as the main reason to behave.
lastly, actions that cause no harm to other shouldn't be monitored and punished. that apply to many of the so called sins.
beside, apart from the similarity between god and the NSA (which doesn't favor him), you didn't add an original thought. there wouldn't be genius here, even if that argument had merit, and it doesn't.
<Go ahead and say it. I’m a genius.>
I'm sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies. [/Potter]
If someone is crazy enough to record my whole life, they're more or less welcome to it; it's much too mundane to be of interest to anyone else. They'd probably just fast-forward between "conjugal times in bed", and skip the hours and hours of net-surfing that hubby and me are doing each week. I'd think even the conjugal times would get boring to watch after a few years...
...wait; who are going to give up their whole lives to check what others are doing 24/7; you? It more or less takes 24/7 to check it, too, ya know. Sure, you can fast-forward bits of it, but you still have to watch, if something suddenly happens.
People would probably just be more self-conscious when dressing and undressing, when going to the toilet; stuff like that.
You're an idiot.
Okay, I'm a genius. Also, you're an idiot. One should be good for goodness' sake, not just because they fear punishment/judgements.
There should be a name for this idea. I favor "The Panopticon Gambit." You can never know when the guard is watching only that there is an exactly equal probability that he is. Which is propbably how we got god being all-seeing in the first place. "He CAN see everywhere, and CAN be everywhere at a moment's notice, so we might as well assume he DOES."
S.H.I.E.L.D. can tap into every webcam/microphone/desktop/laptop on the planet. They have a Helicarrier with as near as dammit a Romulan Cloaking Device. I'd say that's better than a mere 'Iron Chariot'; also, Tony Stark in his suit. [/Judges 1:19]
GCHQ here in the UK. The CIA/NSA in the US.
As long as you don't break any laws and pay your taxes, Scotland Yard/the FBI couldn't give two flying fucks about you. Just ask Kent 'Oh, Mark 12:17 Doesn't Apply To Me!' Hovind.
Well, genius, have you studied economics 101? Nobody does that because it's bloody expensive. Besides, who's going to monitor 24/7 those who do that?
Hashem and the NSA were recording all our actions, 24 hours a day.
So God has outsourced the Big Brother department of Heaven? Considering how much He relies on His mortal followers, that's... actually pretty in character.
Several British neo-Nazis arrested late last year.
No 'Telescreens' required.
I'm a left -wing Remain-voting British citizen who doesn't have a criminal record for so much as spitting on the pavement. Unlike several others, I can do what I want, go wherever I want etc at any time: as long as what I do & where is basically going about my lawful business.
Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, Rachel Rekt.
Even Mossad relies on intercepts from GCHQ, you know.
“Imagine all of the things that we wouldn’t do if we were really aware that Hashem and the NSA were recording all of our actions, 24 hours a day.”
I can’t imagine i’d change much of anything. I might announce masturbating before i start, just in case anyone wants to change the tape or go get a cup of coffee for the next five minutes.
"Imagine all of the sins that we wouldn’t do, simply because we would be afraid of having to pay the price later! How much more righteous would we be??”
I dunno. I mean, if i KNEW god was watching, i couldn’t be an ahtiest any more, but i still can’t find a convincing reason to join any religion. And i still have a problem with the entire concept of Hell, soi might be even less respectful of someone planning to inflict it.
“So there you have it: more awareness of Hashem = less sinful behavior”
You didn’t establish that. Just imagined it and invited us to imagine it with you.
“= less harsh judgments.”
How is that supportable? You’d sit there, knowing that God was watching you AND knowing God was watching your sinful neighbor AND know that they know God’s watching.
Like, if i was your neighbor, i’d still support abortion rights, and you would consider that actively flipping the bird at God. Of course you’d be harsh, you’d just think God agreed with you.
“Go ahead and say it. I’m a genius.”
You’re an idiot. More knowledge of your superstition is NOT the same as me being convinced it’s true.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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