Anonymous Coward #fundie #ufo
UFOs are the nephilim.
Tom Horne and Steve Quayle have alot of information.
I have a personal one too.
I met the greys. They abducted me for some years. This was btw before I was with God. But I all of a sudden got the idea to ask Jesus for help. As soon as I called on him and used his name against them, they disappeared.
Now that's power. They are terribly afraid of him.
Other new age friends have tried to get me to open up to spiritual guides. I've never trusted this however. Like I said, how do you know, you don't get contact with something you don't want. I was told, trust your feelings. Ha, feelings is the most treasonous. When it comes to that. I mean, anything could use it. So I said, I only trust God, that's all I need. You really don't need anything else. Talk about the new age friends huff and puff. I said, how do you know, that you are not decievied? They couldn't answer. Yeah, but they've helped me, they even saved my life, I was told. I said, the darkness comes as the light. Just because of this, how do you know, they won't turn the back on you. Have you tested them from being of God? I mentioned the testing God says. That was answered with more huff and puff. Then I knew. They were pushing so hard, and other people in my history have tried to push So hard. Yet I h never trusted it because of my innate knowing.
And here we go. Proof is shining in your face.
It's fake guys. It's all fake. There are no spiritual guides. There are only demonic beings. It's not just so simplified, as a fairy tale. These things are real. They reside in the fourth dimension. Humans have no power, when they go there, through mediums, fortune telling or spiritual guidance. None. They make themselves totally open to these things and they don't even know, that humans can't operate in their realm. And they are much more intelligent.
Father Malaki Martin and Father Amorth are two other men who would agree. They have seen and experienced these things. And experience God's power.
They just don't invent these things.
It does one thing however. It proves the existence of God. And, when God exists, hell exists.
Listen to God.
Turn to Him.
You don't know when it's your time.
He's the most miraculous, and I owe him everything.
He really is alive.
Yes you have benefits of finding a church but you don't need a church to experience him. Just ask.
These things are REAL.