Honestly, letting women in the military is a horrible idea. They make inferior soldiers for obvious reasons, and even in support roles, the amount of love triangles and gender strife will severely degrade unit cohesion.
You're not likely to have your buddy's back if you have to listen to him fucking the girl you like every few nights or so. It's simply unrealistic to expect people not to be people. You can shake your fist at the heavens and damn humans for being the flawed monkeys that they are while refusing to take it into account, or you can plan around our species' flaws and actually get things done.
the amount of love triangles Bad romance novels ≠ reality
Everyone in the military has at least one horror story, some woman exploited by the guys in the division, or a woman using her sex to exploit the chain of command. And the commands' response to both gets dramatically enhanced with every telling.
"A woman on my last ship used 'pms' as an excuse to get out of working parties and her LPO got suspicious, and tracked how often she had a period and tried to get her written up for malingering and the command put HIM on report for invading her privacy!" Oh noes.
But most of my experience is that people can be grownups and professionals. The 'love triangles' are the outliers. And the command ridiculous responses are decreasing as women's presence grows and experience increases.
I mean, you're running around with guns, for chrissakes. Missiles, rockets, nukes, tear gas, sharp pencils, grenades, shotguns... And you're expected to be professional with those, right?
Why is it strange to ask you to be ALMOST as professional with whatever's in your pants?
letting women in the military is a horrible idea. They make inferior soldiers for obvious reasons
Better take that up re. this particular woman US Marine at the door of this Blackhawk Marine One with her C-in-C stepping out of such, then.
...oh, sorry: have I destroyed your entire 'argument', OP? Good.
Hey now, I can be very professional with what's in my pants. You just have to pay me first ;)
But yes, it's absolutely ridiculous how men complain about mythical women who abuse the system. Or maybe they aren't mythical, but the rule of large numbers and the number of units soldiers pass through means that for every soldier, exposure to a radical outlier is likely.
It's confirmation bias at its worst.
Women have been in militaries and fighting forces for thousands of years. One of the toughest militaries in the world, the IDF, has equal male and female attendance.
Love triangles? The men have to simply let the women do their job! Or, perhaps it’s the men that we shouldn’t be letting in the military?
What do you think the military is? Paradise Hotel?
They're not all that mythical. I was on four man-only subs, 1 co-ed tender, and three co-ed shore commands. There was one love triangle i directly observed. And it was on one of the man-crewed subs. Two sailors and one wife between them.
There was hanky and panky and cheating on the other commands. ALL of the other commands. but the gossip was even more universal. "ON this one command, a guy.." and ended with "...got screwed."
But try to say, "I served with women before, it's not that bad," all they want to hear about is how many times a woman took a man to mast... I think it's largely a self-induced feedback loop of horror.
My dad has told me stories about his time in the Navy, including a couple women who were, well, not the best sailors, including one about a woman who got into a car accident while drunk and threatened the other women with her to keep quiet or she’d hurt them (Spoiler alert: the other women reported her.) This is one of the cases that can be used to claim women make poor sailors. He also told many more stories of the men who were as bad or worse, including a pair who were smoking pot in the painters’ section, and when they were almost caught tossed the joint in the ventilation shaft. Take a guess what happened next.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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