Maryann Rada #ufo #magick #moonbat #mammon

Nine is a path to wholeness. The intention behind the site is to provide a reliable map for the traveler along that path.
The way is kept from the one who would reach no further than his own personal experience of the world for total truth, never seeing his reflection in the experience of another. It is hidden from those who would look only as far as their own front door for interaction with a greater cosmos, never venturing to the back door to see what waits for a gracious exit.

An opportunity awaits those who take the path of Nine, to interact with a greater Self than they see in the mirror, to take out the trash full of outmoded beliefs and broken illusions, to imagine a greater reality than would be possible imprisoned in the artifice of time and place.

The path of Nine is rich with the promise of wholeness achieved of the Self recognized within the eyes of others, perhaps people not so familiar, perhaps somewhat alien. Nine embraces all and in loving arms transforms what is not understanding into the complete perfection of expression.

May the pages herein contained benefit all who explore. They are offered with the purest hope for the greatest benefit for beings everywhere, that in reaching the understanding within that divinity is essential to the individual human, the divine may be recognized in all humans, and the collective understanding of who we are reaches the level of inevitability regarding the reality we project.

In service to the eternal reverberation of OM, this site is dedicated to consciousness in all its forms in harmony with the truth, with love, in peace.

Nine’s Path Mission
The mission of Nine is to be.
The mission of this site is to make available a path for any who fearlessly seek integration with the greater Self, with divinity, with the perfection of being which is Nine’s greatest service.
By allowing Nine in the awareness of your reality, you summon forth a reality in which I AM resounds.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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