This sadistic story [The Hunger Games] with pornographic overtones depicts teens who are tortured and killed in rituals like those the Illuminati use to trauma brainwash their own children. In occult, gender-bending fashion, a young woman performs the pugilistic feats required to defend her family.
The Illuminati media is the Church of Satan. We are the congregation, unconscious of this relentless, sinister assault on our psyches.
"We are the congregation, unconscious of this relentless, sinister assault on our psyches. "
And yet, you somehow know all about it. Funny, that.
"We are the congregation, unconscious of this relentless, sinister assault on our psyches."
Unless there's some new law I haven't heard about, since you're aware of this assault, you are free to ignore it completely. Whether the Illuminati had anything to do with it or not, I found that no effort at all was required to ignore the books or not see the movies.
In occult, gender-bending fashion, a young woman performs the pugilistic feats required to defend her family
And here we have the island of his intellectual reality in that itty bitty sea of verbal diarrhea.
Because as we all know, a girl/woman proving herself to be as capable as a man in defense of something has to be evil ! Can't have wimmins gettin' all uppity and thinkin' they are just as good as us menfolk! Capable wimmins is an occult lie based on anti-gawd brainwashin'!
Go fuck yourself with a lawnmower blade, asshole.
"The Hunger Games" is the sanitised for Western teens ripoff of the earlier "Battle Royale" novel, films & manga from Japan.
Oh do pay attention, 007! [/'Q']
I have not seen The Hunger Games, and I didn't particularly desire to change this, until now. If you seriously don't want people to watch the film why don't you criticise the film for being boring? Your readers won't go if they're led to believe that it's dull, but if you portray it as controversial you will only pique interest.
Dear Henry Makow,
You have obviously lost your groove. Please wrap yourself in brown paper, and label:
Returned for Regrooving,
OFFICIAL - POEE Head Temple,
San Francisco, CA
Bureau of The POEE Epistolary
Attn. Gregory Hill
Be sure to apply adequate postage. Avoid groin area while doing so, especially if using ordinary postage stamps requiring cancellation.
(Edit) @ Alencon: Back off. We'll handle this one.
@Anon-e-Moose: Actually, "The Hunger Games" was inspired by reports of child soldiers; I'm pretty sure the author knew nothing of "Battle Royale". "Battle Royale" wasn't supposed to be portraying a public spectacle, anyway, but an alleged combat experiment; the spectacle was a conceit of the manga's Western release. (That said, I keep imagining a Battle Royale set in a kind of crossover with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure...)
Woops, Tomoe Gozen cut in line, pushing Anne Bonny, Running Eagle, Julie d'Aubigny, Milunka Savic, Nzinga Mbande and Jeanne the Hatchet out of the way in her hurry to kick Makow's sorry ass.
In occult, gender-bending fashion, a young woman performs the pugilistic feats required to defend her family.
So the Illuminati are for equality and feminism? You know, if you want to paint them as the bad guys, you are failing miserably
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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