If the Founders meant "Christianity", they would have written it down.
But you see, Fischface....The Founders were of European descent & were familiar with how a society run by The Churches could be...and it wasn't pretty.
Being adherents to the philosophies of The Age Of Reason with many as members of Freemasonry, they understood that Religion & Government don't mix. When separated, both remain pure. Religion remains all about spirituality rather than corruption & power and Government can better deal with stuff here on terra firma.
Jesus of Nazareth recognized this. It was He who stated....
21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
(I tend to quote King James due to the KJV-only crowds out there...I'm using their scriptures to make my point)
Also, when The Founders spoke of Godhead, they spoke of Zir as "Creator" or "Providence" for most of them were Deists, Unitarians & non-frummer nominal Christians. Deity was a nebulous, universalist concept, not a specific Middle-Eastern Deity.
I'm afraid that you and your ilk have the 18th Century statesmen in Philadelphia confused with the 17th Century Puritans & Pilgrims of Plymouth, Jamestown, etc.
Were you asleep in History/Social Studies class as a kid?
Considering your screed & antics, has not the Ninth Commandment of the Decalogue crossed your mind or are you willing to give your pants as a burnt offering to The Antichrist God Of Unlimited Power For Powers Sake?