Joachim Hagopian #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo
This final chapter expressly devoted to unveiling the British nation as the planet’s pedophilia epicenter will expose the puppet masters themselves that control all the pedo-puppet components to their obscene Luciferian operation, demonstrating how through hijacking humanity for over a millennium, they’ve been bleeding us dry through their cannibalistic satanic practice of ritual blood sacrifice, torture and systematic child sexual abuse of our most defenseless and vulnerable population. This chapter will show how Britain’s so called royal family imposters and their black nobility Zionist-Illuminati bloodlines have been the earth’s underlying powerbrokers behind all war, genocide, the world economic system of human enslavement, and their globally organized pedophilia trafficking network predatorily feeding off of, sacrificing and destroying our children and how this growing cancerous scourge on humanity must be excised off the face of this earth sooner than later.
This and the next chapter will not mince words tracing the demon seed planted on this earth nearly a half million millennia ago as graphic, over-the-top, hardwired evidence of how this same diabolical, nonhuman, genetically engineered, off-planet hybrid lineage still tragically controls to keep our battered and bruised, and always divided human family dying on our toxically scorched, ecocided earth to this present day. Profound changes are already in process, resisting and opposing the New World Order’s Luciferian control agenda. But our most potent weapon in his epic good vs. evil war of the ages is what the dark forces fear the most - exposure and spread of the truth to slay the dragon of enslavement and death.