Atavistic Autist #sexist #racist

[JFL] Feminists complain about being "parentified" as daughters -- that is, actually taught how to cook and clean, and take care of their siblings

It's funny because these are the only skills that are useful for females to know: nurturing children, preparing food, and maintaining a tidy nest despite their messy, hoarding tendencies (which otherwise lead them to buy tons of useless shit and be Shlomo's favorite consumer).

If they don't want these things to be so offset onto them during childhood, then why are they feminists who champion the entry of females into the workforce, which necessarily overburdens mothers and forces them, if not to hire nannies (a commodified caretaker), then make one out of their daughters?

And what of the fact that children are increasingly deprived of fathers, and many men are forced to be their own fathers in life if they even want a chance at turning out mentally healthy, and many women are compelled to foolishly project father figures onto psychopathic slayers on Tinder who just abuse them and make them insane? Is this what "ending the patriarchy" is supposed to be about?



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