GODcoin #crackpot #god-complex #fundie #mammon godcoin.gold


The Mark of the Beast is the New World Monetary System, and GODcoin is at the center of it.

GODcoin is the transactional descriptive name for the gold-backed digital monetary operating system that is about to take over the world’s blockchain… Each unit/coin within the operating system is a “RAEL”, and no one will be able to buy or sell without using digital gold RAELs.

For a very long time, Christians have been preaching that the Mark of the Beast was something evil and something to be avoided at all costs. They did not know what they were speaking of.

The second beast of Revelation 13 is Lord Ra-El, and any true theologian knows that the Bible uses the word “beast” to describe leaders, not to disparage them, so the Lord is called the “Lamb”, which is a beast.

Because some of the translations of the New Testament are incorrect, most Christians mistakenly believe that “The Antichrist” arrives and stamps people on the forehead with “666”, just before taking them to Hell. This is obviously not true. It is instead the Lord who creates a monetary system that eliminates crime by tracking and tracing all financial transactions, thus removing the ability to commit most money-based crimes. Without the ability to commit crimes motivated by money, nearly all crime quickly disappears.

The system incorporates the digital gold RAEL monetary unit of exchange with the standard 666-based barcode system, invisibly marked upon a person’s forehead or hand, which is linked to their universal credit/debit account, so they do not need to carry a purse or wallet, but can transact any business with a simple scan that cannot be falsified. Thus, no one can buy or sell without this mark upon them, or the number of his name, which is the amount of digital currency (RAELs) within their account.

People will earn this currency by working for The Crown, or Crown licensed private companies. The currency will be valid for all legal purchases, including purchasing leaves from the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:2) to remain alive and healthy while in service to The Crown.



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