everyone wants to fit everyone into categories
highly disingenuous to imply the gender critical crowd don’t
Not really.
The categories "male" and "female" exist whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
The "gender critical crowd" couldn't give a shit about any of the imaginary categories.
A trans woman's gender identity is no more real to me than Allah.
Yes, the categories "male" and "female" exist. It's just that some people don't fit into those categories. The indisputable existence of people with ambiguous genitalia shows this to be the case quite clearly even if you refuse to accept the validity of anyone's gender identity. Now, it seems to me that if someone's genitals can be between female and male, it makes sense that other body parts, like the brain, could be as well. Then again, I don't have an ideological need to deny the validity of trans people's lives no matter what, so what do I know?
The gender identities of the trans people here in FSTDT - and beyond - are as real as their posts here.
Unlike your ‘Opinion's right to be listened to, OP.
@Spacewyrm #110742
in the original source, the point of intersex people is already bought up, to which she has to say this:
I wonder how intersex people manage it?
They are all either male or female, mate.
so, as far as she is concerned, all people fit into “male” and “female”
“The categories "male" and "female" exist whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
The "gender critical crowd" couldn't give a shit about any of the imaginary categories.”
So the only valid categories are the one you personally approve of… As who exactly? Because from where I’m standing I couldn’t give a shit about your ignorance of medical knowledge on the subject. The actual medical categorization has no obligation to follow your oversimplified kindergarten worldview.
“A trans woman's gender identity is no more real to me than Allah.”
So? You’re mixing someones medical status and an abrahamic cosmic horror, one’s very real, the other is an invention to control people’s behaviour from an older times. Windmills, therefore shit on my carpet.
There’s also tons of idiots who will not acknowledge vaccines are real, same for the shape of the earth or even the existence of the moon as such. None of them change the inhabited reality and neither do you.
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