If you've ever been vaccinated you will test positive for Covid-19. So basically we're all infected and will prove positive for the scheduled vaccine. That's how cunning they are.
Knows 0 science.
If you've ever been vaccinated you will test positive for Covid-19
I had all the vaccinations going when I was at school.
Decades later, while our Hospital Heroes have priority, I wouldn't say no to being tested.
But considering a fever, coughing & difficulty breathing are conspicuous by their absence in yours truly as I'm typing this - as I observe Social Distancing & Hand Washing protocols: and only when I need to leave my home - you won't like the result of that test, OP.
Yeah, that’s how vaccinations work, dearie. You get an inactivated or dead part of the deadly diseases, and your immune system learns how to fight it without risking your life.
Oh, wait! You weren’t talking about Corona vaccination? You were talking about ANY vaccination, ever, weren’t you? Then we are ALL “positive”, yes. Almost everyone has had SOME vaccination or other. How, then, do you explain that there are many people testing NEGATIVE to Covid-19?
Unless Covid-19 proves to have a quick mutation-rate, those who’ve tested positive are already immune, and won’t need a vaccination. Only those who test negative for it will be needing the vaccine, once it’s ready. That’s how cunning reality is.
Same as with moose-sama here. Had all the vaccinations I needed to have back in the day. While I haven’t been tested yet (I am not a priority), so far I’ve yet to demonstrate any symptoms at all. And I do my damndest to avoid any physical contact with outsiders and always properly wash my hands after going outside or answering the door.
Funny, it’s almost as if you are full of it…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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