Vijay Prozak #racist #homophobia #wingnut

[From “Surviving Multiculturalism”]

Diversity means having different groups coexisting; however, in order for them to remain different groups, they can't merge (our media and institutes of higher learning seem to have forgotten this part). As I once put it to a homosexual gentleman, diversity means that I don't think much about what you do in your bedroom, but it also means that you don't begrudge me the right to make gay jokes and be repelled by sodomy, because to a heterosexual, such behavior would be a disastrous submission and loss of masculinity. I respect his "difference," but he has to respect mine. The same applies to different ethnic groups. To acknowledge their difference is to recognize that participation in that group is limited to members of that group, and now matter how "authentic African art" we buy at Wal-Mart, we're still members of our own.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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