John Cimbala, MakiinStaysUp #fundie

(The description)
[…]But what about ape-men? Ape-men are never mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Why? Because there were no ape-men! The Bible clearly states that human beings were created in the image of God, fully human from the very beginning. Likewise no fossils or bones of bonafied ape-men have ever been discovered or dug up. Why? Because they never existed. There is no such thing as an "ape-man!" In fact, all such claims of fossil ape-men are either (1) fully human, (2) fully ape, (3) some other creature, or (4) a hoax. Human beings did not evolve from some kind of ape-like creature. Don't confuse cavemen with ape-men.There is no such thing as an ape-man!

(Comment from user)


yeah they trick you and tell us we evolved from the ape like men. but god curses the isrealites in the tower of babel and turned them into ape men thats how humans ever got straight hair the isrealites had wooly hair



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