Christians are the new blacks...being discriminated against and attacked with impunity.
Considering that most slave owners where Christian since the inception of Christianity, Christians getting bitch slapped(whether literally or metaphorically) can cry me a river before they turn the other cheek.
"And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes." ~ Jesus
Yeah, go tell that to any black person who lived through the 50's & 60's. Until you're forced to eat at separate lunch counters, have separate water fountains, and have attack dogs and fire hoses turned on you just for being Christian, you can't make that comparison.
"Christians are the new blacks...being discriminated against and attacked with impunity."
Yeah. It was an awful thing when all of your churches were burned down and the religion was driven underground. It was an even more awful tragedy when you were all savagely beaten for protesting this slight. I won't even comment on the horrors you endured when you were enslaved.
Oh, wait...
Yes indeed! We have Christians strung up in every other tree along the roads here in Sweden, Christians can't get a job, no-one want's to rent an apartment to a Christian, and they get spit on and beaten to a pulp on a regular basis.
Or, ya know, not!
"Christians are the new blacks...being discriminated against and attacked with impunity."
No, bad. We don't need the Fundies using us as a point of reference, even if most blacks are also Christian.
Would you define what you mean by "discriminated against" and "attacked"?
Fundie Dictionary:
discriminated against: Not being able to demean and/or ridicule gays, women, minorities, and other religions.
attacked: when members of above groups push back against Fundies after being abused for so long, that they can't take it anymore. Apparently, they're not allowed to do that.
"No, bad. We don't need the Fundies using us as a point of reference, even if most blacks are also Christian."
Well fair enough, but Christians wouldn't feel like Christians without their daily dose of persecution.
They deserve it for bigotry and homophobia.
the discrimination against christians is really insidious in this country. they aren't being murdered or forced to flee their homes. they can get hired at least as easily as anyone else. they can walk about in public without problem from the police or passers by.
this kind of discrimination is so insidious because, to the casual observer, it almost seems like it doesn't exist at all.
Are Christians being lynched?
Are they refused service at restaurants, or forced to get their food at the back door?
Do they have to use separate washrooms?
Have they been denied the vote, or access to schools, or a place to live?
Are they being told to get out of town before sundown?
Are they, as has already been mentioned, forced to sit in the back of the bus?
Have they been forced into slavery?
Been told who they can and cannot marry?
Has anyone blasted them with a fire hose?
No? None of these things?
You're not being persecuted.
Very true. Last time I was down in Alabama what did I see but a lot of Christians working in the cotton fields, sweating in the sun.
I remember in Georgia, a lot of Christians being sold at auction block in the marketplace. The ones that weren't enslaved had to drink and eat separately from the rest of the population, and ride up at the backs of buses. Sometimes if they got uppity or looked at us the wrong way, we'd drag them out of bed in the middle of the night and lynch them. Also, we make sure that the Christians never get to vote.
No. Just no. How about how you attack homosexuals, Pagans, atheists, Muslims, etc? You forget that?
No. Nobody deserves persecution. For anything. Ever. Especially a population as widespread and varied as Christianity.
What Birutegal says is bullshit, certainly, but nothing he or anybody else says or does warrants such venemous attacks.
Remember, you don't defeat bigotry by stooping to their level. That just enables them more.
@Kevin Klawitter
You are doing worse by stooping to the level of taking my comments seriously!
Come on, christians are not being persecuted... everyone on here knows that, but they think they are being persecuted. It's quite funny actually. I just want to see their faces when Obama wins a second term and passes hate laws preventing Christians from discriminating against LGBT people or other ethnicities.
How, may I ask, is calling you out on your mean-spirited rhetoric worse than you using it?
"taking my posts seriously"? You were trying to be funny? Were you trying to make a point?
I said straight-up that what Birutegal said was bullshit. You thinking I thought anything otherwise is not my fault. I never implied at ALL that I thought Christians were being persecuted, but at any rate that doesn't make you saying they deserved to be any less tasteless.
@Kevin Klawitter
Mean spirited rhetoric? It was a snappy one-word put-down towards a bunch of whining self-righteous pricks. And how much do you think I care how "tasteless" my comments appear, to you or anyone else?
And yes, I agree with you that Birutegal's comment was bullshit. According to the piechart that comes up every few days on fstdt, 80% of Americans are Christians. How much time do you think I spend feeling upset because they sometimes feel a bit persecuted?
So I made a joking remark and you didn't like it. Get over it.
“Christians are the new blacks...being discriminated against and attacked with impunity.”
Yeah, you guys made absolutely sure you could discriminate against hiring gays or serving gay couples or towing a trans person’s car or whatever. And when you get pushback or feedback or the exact same treatment, YOU’RE the oppressed masses.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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