Steve Tanton #fundie

The reason I don't buy girl scout cookies anymore is one, I can buy virtually the same thin mints at the dollar store for $1, and as an economist I find this reasonable and overcome the urge to fork out three to four times that much to some lovely little girls who remind me of mine at that age. Secondly, I have read enough to know that the girl scouts like their counter-parts the boy scouts albeit differently, have become indoctrination centers for liberal theology assuredly very different than that of their founding. The whole country seems to be upside-down and backwards. My grandmother was gay, now it means one of two absurdities or abnormalities. Bad economics is now good economics and thus it's good to go on welfare and receive money for something one does not do. Racism is now anytime a conservative disagrees with a liberal minority and MLK's preference for character over color has been twisted to become racial preference, embracing bad behavior over good. I'm thinking seriously about becoming an expatriate for the remainder of my life. I can't take much more of this nonsense. Twisting what was to teach little girls about becoming women into indoctrination into "femi-nazis"...well, they've gone too far in my book. I have no problem with a woman earning a fair wage for their work as compared to the average man (which seems to be the issue today), if they are qualified and all else remains the same (which it usually isn't in the real world, because women bear the children and don't have the right physique for the army or the fire department), but I do have a big problem with the in-your-face tactics of the left and the "let's pass it to find out what's in it" crowd. Enough already. God bless you little girls, but I'm not paying ludicrous prices to support ideology to which I am opposed. Perhaps you'll wake up, perhaps you won't, but I for one am heading down another pathway.



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