Marriage entitles sexual relations biblically. If the WIFE resists there could be PHYSICAL ABUSE CHARGES (yesterday), but not RAPE biblically because her body is NOT her own after marriage, but the husbands.
That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full.
Logic to the contrary is also proof that America has been feminized, sad, but true. Repent ye double minded.
There are no words...
Die in a fire.
What if your wife became fat and ugly, and you no longer had any sexual desire for her, but she tied you down and fed you viagra and had her way with you? But no, according to you that doesn't correlate because she is your property, to do with as you will, and not the other way around.
A fire is too quick and painless for the likes of you.
This man has no respect for other people and no understanding of how marriage is supposed to work. I rated him a five-star fundie, but I’m not sure that’s fair: most fundies aren’t psychopaths, whereas this guy clearly is.
@Mr. Harvey:
Perhaps you would like to check those wedding vows again? I seem to remember that 'with all your worldly goods you her endowed'.
So her body might be your property after marriage, but all your property is also now her property. And since you have stated that someone's body can be property, that would include your body as well.
So in fact, after marriage you belong to her !
@Mrs. Harvey:
Your property seems to have gone a bit haywire. I suggest you have him 'fixed'. ;-)
"That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full."
So a woman is property now?
Marching way, way, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY back into YHWH-knows-what-century-BC.
See now, Harvey here needs a few years in a federal prison. I think being bought and "owned" for a carton of cigarettes is about the only way this jackass will understand the flaw in his thinking. Morons like him need personal experience to draw from before they can connect the dots.
Go rob a bank, Harv. See if you still agree that people should be owned by others after your vacation at Club Fed.
That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full.
No, thats like saying you raped someone that didn't want to have sex.
So, are you admitting finally that, according to the Bible, wives are property of the husbands?. Thanks for clarifying that aspect.
Since, according to the Bible, husband and wife belong to each other, yes, that's rape, because the double ownership, like negatives, anulls the other one. You can't force a person to have sex if she or he doesn't want to.
Considering that these fundifuckwits believe a woman is the property of her father until he hands her over to the husband, I guess there's no father-daughter INCEST biblically, either.
Actually, there's not; the big book of myths fully endorses daddy-daughter teams doing the nasty, provided pregnancy ensues. EWWWW!
"That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full. "
You may not have noticed, but we are no longer in the bronze age, we are not living in your bible fantasy land, we are living in an industrial society where owning people is illegal.
I'm starting to think that this is why fundies oppose gay marriage, there's too much mental strain in trying to figure out who owns who. In the case of a lesbian partnership, that would make both parties owner and owned simultaneously, veering dangerously towards ideals like mutual respect and equality. And God forbid Christian America should allow those values to run rampant and corrupt the sanctity of marriage.
You are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. It's the 21st century, moron. Get over it.
@Septic Sceptic: I never thought of that. You make an interesting point.
May you die a horrible death, unspecified because I can't think of a death horrible enough for you!
Your babble is a load of bronze age nonsense and the rest of us have developed morally far beyond it. Join the 21st century, motherfucker!
It is never moral for one person to claim "ownership" over another!
Some people like to pretend they live in a different time period, back before women were people and slavery was illegal.
Who wants to take bets on Mr. Harvey living in the Bible Belt?
#410437 wrote:
"Reducing marriage to prostitution?"
No, not prostitution. Slavery.
The only Biblical difference between a wife and a slave is that you can't sell your wife.
What this freak is saying is that women are chattels with no rights to the integrity of their own bodies. He'd have done well with slaves, eh?
Bear in mind that this is the kind of America you will have if Fuckabee has his way with the constitution.
Marriage entitles sexual relations biblically. If the WIFE resists there could be PHYSICAL ABUSE CHARGES (yesterday), but not RAPE biblically because her body is NOT her own after marriage, but the husbands.
What imaginary version of the Bible is this guy pretending he read? None of this crap is in the Bible.
With or without that piece of paper called a marriage contract, if she says no, and you do it anyway, it's rape.
I...I just...
Rage does not accurately describe how I feel at this moment.
Amendment 13 - Slavery Abolished. Ratified 12/6/1865. History
1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Well, at least it seems the others are disagreeing with him , though more wishy-washy than we are..this guy only talks about their being "different standards". Bollocks. Rape is rape, in my opinion.
But then DaveW says: I still think adultery should bring the death penalty.
What if the wife wanted sex, but the husband didn't? Would that still be rape? (To me at least, yes, because she forced herself on him without permission.)
Or is it because only women are specified as belonging to men in the Bible, and not the other way around?
We have a much better standard of living here in the US than, say, Saudi Arabia because we allow women to work so they can contribute to the economy and so we have a much better economy than they do. So Fuck You. I'm a person, not property.
I hope your god grew some sense in the 2000 years that's passed since the bible was written and has a special place reserved in hell for people like you, Harvey.
You're still a virgin, ain't ya?
I think this is being taken a little out of context, seems to me Mr. Harvey is just nitpicking the meaning of the word "rape", he does imply that it is a bad thing to do.
<blockquote>" Obviously if a husband is FORCING his wife, he obviously is NOT loving his WIFE as CHRIST commands. So he is being abusive. But a husband can not RAPE his wife by long standing definitions. "</blockquote>
The comment "That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full" IS just bizarre, he should have quit while he was ahead (the line about Chist's commands, came before the "STOLE something" i the original)
What the fuck!?!. . .did you forget that it also says a mans body is no longer his own either.
Its an illustration of two people becoming one. . .and a body is supposed to be in harmony with itself. But like our individual bodies things go wrong. We want to go out but we get sick. We want to run but we trip. So when two people become one things get complicate. She wants to go to the ballet but he thinks it's boring. He wants sex but she is angry. ETC ETC
In short what I am saying is. . . If he needs release that badly he can go jack off in the shower!!
Mr. Harvey, there is something you need to understand. I am a human being. No one owns my body. Sex between a husband and wife is something special that must be earned through love, trust, and mutual desire, not force. Marriage does not give anyone the right to own someone else's body, it is a legal contract to share your lives together. This is not radical, this is a basic assertion that humans have a right not to be sexually assaulted.
I agree with 'any mouse' (up a few posts) that this is an academic discussion which has been taken partially out of context. The line about stealing is the conclusion of a valid argument, albeit not a sound one. I think this could be an important distinction - the OP is engaged in a philosophical discussion about how far sexual crime (and by extension, the law in a more general sense) is applicable under Christian tenets. I don't consider it very fair to call him a rapist for that.
How about, repent ye idiotic, chauvanistic morons? Newsflash--a woman isn't property to 'pay in full' for. Sorry to rain on your parade there. (Only, you know. Not.)
Borat award?
"When I buy my wife..."
Oh so this is why the whole, marriage has changed over the years, since now women aren't property, argument doesn't work on fundies!
Women never stopped being property.
Fuck you, dipshit. Women of the world, I'm sorry asinine fucktards like this exist.
I forgot to mention -
And I say unto thee, Mr. Harvey...
You shall die a virgin and get gangraped for all eternity in Hell...
America hasn't been feminized, only become less sexist. So, if I get married, say I could take a hunting knife and stab my wife repeatedly, but not leathally so I can do it again sometime, so long as she doesn't resist? You know, because her body does "become my property" once we're married.
Well, aren't you a lovely fucker, Mr. Harvey?
I think he's saying that the husband could be arrested for abuse under "Caesar's" law, not that the wife would be arrested for resisting. Not that it makes it much better, just more.... logically consistent, I guess, given his completely reprehensible and false starting points.
because her body is NOT her own after marriage, but the husbands.
If my husbands tries to rape or abuse me I'm gonna kill him.
Marriage does NOT make the wife property, you asshole.
I'd tell you to go die in a fire, but that's not painful enough for a motherfucker you.
so... females aren't REALLY human, just baby makers. Glad we cleared that up.
It's people like you that make me wish I had a flamethrower...
Wait, are you telling me that a woman is an object that you can buy or, worse, that sex is a "favour"?. Would you consider the opposite?, I don't think so.
oh yes, they're coming for you in perticular, you little bastard. hahaha, hehehe, i hope they rape you with a pipe bomb
and yes, Mr. Harvey, we know where you live!!!!
I've attempted to be lighthearted about the ignorance displayed thus far, but I cannot do that in good faith with this comment. Please forgive me for my outburst, but this pierces fairly close to my flesh.
I hope that someone takes the person that posted this filth, rips his dick off, and shoves it down his Goddamned throat. I hope that this repeats with his fingers, nose, toes, and ears. I REALLY hope that this bastard goes to Hell, even though I don't believe it exists... I want there to be a Hell just for him. Alone.
Try having sexual relations after I kick you in the sack a few times.... Then may a few more times for good measure (Not that there will be anything To measure after!)
As for the feminized thing, I'm sorry with the way the world is turning that it's forming cracks in your glass ego. The world has had just a father for long enough and look how much suffering it has caused. Mothers always heal whereas fathers bare the whip.
You're an inhuman, selfish, horny son of a bitch. Please go fuck yourself, because with a mindset like that, that's the only person you'll ever be with. You sick motherfucking demon.
If the wife's body is her husband's, then the husband's body must be the wife's. He won't be allowed to resist either.
It's more like having your husband's left kidney donated without his approval.
You think it's sad that America now caters to all its citizens, not just to 50 percent of them?
You are the sad one! And the double minded one as well.
Bri: "Mothers always heal.."
You never met my mother.
And if you're lucky, you never will.
So it's sad that America is no longer a nation of knuckle-dragging primitives who think they're entitled to whatever they want, whenever they want? I don't think so. And neither does the rest of the world.
What if the HUSBAND resists going to IKEA for four hours to drag the cart around while the wife looks at swatches, pillows and bed-linen? Is his body his own after marriage?
I don't remember my husband PAYING for me when we married. His parents paid for the drinking at the wedding, and my parents paid for the food. We ourselves paid for the venue, the hotel, the horse-drawn carriage, the staff, etc.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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