Matt Osborne #transphobia

Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars

“Transgender” is an elite ingrouping heuristic: use the pronouns or lose membership in civil society. Only barbarians fail to recognize Dylan Mulvaney’s woman-ness. You know — Trump voters. Red staters. The people who want to “destroy democracy,” whatever that is.

Apparently, “saving democracy” requires the suppression of valid laptop-related news stories that, had they been subject to the usual process of democratic conversation, may in the end have been deemed “nothingburgers” after all, rather than becoming epic scandals that unfold in Twitter threads after the election is over.

Elites really, really distrust actual democracy right now. The Orange Man scared them to the core, so genuine democracy — defined as a free conversation with majority and minority respecting one another — has been deemed too dangerous for “democracy.”

It is dangerous to tweet that Dylan Mulvaney is male. It is dangerous to say so in public. No one on MSNBC or CNN would ever fail to use Dylan’s preferred pronouns, nor would they bring back a guest who refused to do so. Even Fox News remains a difficult sell for such a guest.

This is not about human rights, but the restriction of human rights on behalf of a special, protected class of person.

Dylan Mulvaney is special. He is elite.

Joe Biden demands that we see Dylan. Really see him. See him as a woman. We are to gaslight ourselves, otherwise we are actual terrorists doing harm to people.

Transgender people are “under attack,” you see. The special people are under attack by all the bad people who don’t “respect them” as “who they are.”

Dylan Mulvaney is under attack by bad people who don’t respect him as the woman he wishes to be.

Biden will stop all the “hateful” laws against sterilizing children and boys cheating at girls’ sports. He calls this “equality.”

During his remarks for the Transgender Day of Visibility in March, Biden evoked a state of emergency.

Citing a nonexistent “epidemic of violence against transgender girls of color” — meaning effeminate nonwhite men —Biden promised a global crusade (“around the world”) to give transgender people lives free of “discrimination and violence.”

We must make the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney, you see, otherwise black people will die, you racist.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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