Yes, I am; spiritually, physically, and legally married....a marriage based on true validity of God's model for marriage. Unfortunately, same-sex addicts desire their lusts to be counted as a reason to selfishly change the meaning of marriage. God doesn't see it their way, according to His Word. It is not enough for one small group to covet what another group has simply so they can think themselves to be "equal". They are not equal no matter how hard they try. There is no possibility of procreation out of their pretense. Same-sex addicts abuse the privilege to make themselves feel warm and fuzzy. Bunny slippers could have given them the same effect.
Marriage is for a man and a woman together. Anything else is just a bootleg caricature of what God created. Same-sex addicts tried to rape angels a long time they are doing the same thing to marriage. Nothing has changed, even after all these years. Sad.
Sure, and according to that same angel rape story the good guy was supposed to be the same guy who offered them his own children to rape instead.
Clearly a great source of moral standards you've got there!
Rape angels? Huh? That's a whole new kind of crazy.
Get this Princess...what you think god meant marriage to be is not relevant. It is the state that defines marriage in the US, not the church.
"Same-sex addicts tried to rape angels a long time ago..."
Well, they shouldn't have been dressed like that, should they ?
@Big Jilm & John the Atheist:
She's referring to the story of Sodom, where Lot was visited by angels who warned him to get out of the city because God would turn it into ash. The men of the village saw the handsome angels and demanded that Lot let them fuck them. Lot instead offered his nubile daughters to the men (to get gang-raped. Yeah), but they were having none of it, so the angels and Lot ran away from the city.
Fun fact: Because Lot's wife looked back at the destruction of the city, she turned to ash, so God, to make sure Lot's seed was passed on, ordered his daughters to get him drunk as a skunk then fuck him so they'd get pregnant. Lovely bugger, that god fellow, innit?
In any case, as I think what I said above points out, your god is pretty much already as ugly as ugly GETS. So I wouldn't get too much worried about that whole "bootleg caricature," if anything it's an improvement!
Yes, I am; spiritually, physically, and legally married....a marriage based on true validity of God's model for marriage.
So, let me guess...
Your first husband died and you married his brother?
You were captured as booty and your husband took you?
You were raped by your husband?
Your husband bought you?
"Same-sex addicts tried to rape angels a long time ago "
Now you're just flinging any claim, no matter how absurd it is, at the LGBT community in the hope that it sticks.
Edit: @Vifbi: Thanks for the clarification.
Actually Sheilyia that wasn't Sodom's sin according to your bible.
Now this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. Ezekiel 16:49-50
We opposite-sex addicts get our lusts to be counted as a reason to selfishly change the meaning of marriage, so why shouldn't same-sex addicts get the same?
According to His Word, God doesn't see any use of computers or the Internet, either. Yet, here you are.
There is apparently no possibility of procreation out of my husband's and my pretense either...
We opposite-sex addicts are the privileged ones, asshole!
How do you use your bunny slippers? No, don't tell me! I don't want to know.
Marriage is for two consenting adults together.
The whole town tried to rape angels, in a biblical myth, and they were inhospitable and overfed.
Everything has changed, silly, including marriage (several times).
> God doesn't see any use of computers
Actually, there were computers in the Garden of Eden.
Eve had an Apple ; Adam had a Wang .
> God doesn't see any use of computers
"Actually, there were computers in the Garden of Eden.
Eve had an Apple; Adam had a Wang."
Woops, sorry; my mistake...
You forget, Princess, that the fatal sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was NOT sexual deviancy but cruelty, greed and selfishness. These societies cared not a whit for the poor and needy, and in fact went out of their way to torment them (e.g. giving them gold but refusing to sell them food!); thus they deserved their judgment, not because they buggered each other.
Remember this the next time some Neoconservative blowhard starts ranting against immigration and welfare. You wouldn't want to repeat history by supporting those idiots, do you?
Someone's 100% loon if they believe that angel rape is a factual, historical event. And this princess is a conceded, narcissistic, gross asshole on top of being a lunatic. So kind and sweet of her to compare same sex couples' fight for equality to wearing bunny slippers. Also equating their love to an addiction is scummy beyond words. Why aren't heteros opposite-sex addicts?
In another post she states that a gay person only ever wants to have children because they desire an "accessory" for their cause. Apparently only straight parents are capable of loving their kids.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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