Princess Sheilyia #fundie

Yes, I am; spiritually, physically, and legally married....a marriage based on true validity of God's model for marriage. Unfortunately, same-sex addicts desire their lusts to be counted as a reason to selfishly change the meaning of marriage. God doesn't see it their way, according to His Word. It is not enough for one small group to covet what another group has simply so they can think themselves to be "equal". They are not equal no matter how hard they try. There is no possibility of procreation out of their pretense. Same-sex addicts abuse the privilege to make themselves feel warm and fuzzy. Bunny slippers could have given them the same effect.

Marriage is for a man and a woman together. Anything else is just a bootleg caricature of what God created. Same-sex addicts tried to rape angels a long time they are doing the same thing to marriage. Nothing has changed, even after all these years. Sad.



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