Kingdust #fundie

Those monkey turned into scientists set the equation of 'ET = science' as the only banana solution to all species to eat and evolve, none else.

In addition to that monkey dominant scientific education system, many students have a strong tendency to love to be monkey around by doing things selected naturally free from restrictions of moral code.

When they get home, they are bombarded by the liberal monkey electronic news ,entertainments and education.
When they evolve into adults species, they dominate the monkey world from home, work and to national political environment.

Don't think the ET supremacists will happily let ID come in its domain without a bloody fight.

Even many Churches allow monkey liberal thoughts running wild in the name of God.

Maybe we need to defend or clean up our front yard first?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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