[Court decision in Massachusetts requires certain high-risk sex offenders to be removed from public database]
This is liberalism gone wild. Imagine a planet where no one has any morals or belief in God. Imagine a planet where there IS no right or wrong or how E A S Y everything should be, where no one has to work, where you can murder or molest whoever you want and face no charges and know that locally, it was Martha Coakley who truly believed in all of this and barack obama has lead this country and much of the earth to this very state and you have two of the most unscrupulous animals to ever run for the presidency, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton willing to "progress" this type of belief even further.
What is even scarier is the number of people who not only want this, but demand it. Still believe in liberalism or should we try and stop the insanity.?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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