The End #sexist

Women are traumatized when they see a penis - stories of survival :-/

I don't know how I got on this, I guess I was looking for masturbation material, when I came across pages of women sharing their experiences being flashed. Their absolute hatred of male sexuality abhorred me, and further showed that I'll never understand or like women.

Now here's women relating the "traumatic events" of seeing a wiener.

* "From the corner of my eye. I saw that bastard, standing on the staircase right opposite of the entrance door. He had pulled his ‘thing’ out ,and was sneering at me, flashing it and making weird noises.
"I became numb, my body turned cold, and suddenly I found myself tearing up. Though I didn't know what was happening, it was for the first time I realised what molesting meant.
"I somehow picked up my wits and just stood up. I went to my managers cabin to report him. But he ran away by then.
"Yes. He did scar me. I couldn't forget the incident for days and was terrified to be alone." - 17 years old when flashed.
* "My gaze followed the direction of her hand and I saw ‘Him’ flashing.
"Flashing an unknown body part, we were never aware existed. Both of us were girls and we never saw something that ugly. We were kids, we weren’t aware exactly what is that he is intending to do. But one thing was for sure, it wasn’t a good feeling.
"That fellow was smiling and signalling towards his dick. As if he was inviting us to hold. Something struck us, we shouted, shouted our lungs out. ‘A’s Grandfather was sitting on the same terrace reading playing chess alone. He rushed with his thick brown wooden support stick. [..]

I could go on, but you see the pattern; women feel like they've been heinously wronged by seeing a penis.

In contrast women wrote about times they flashed both men and women, acting proud and feeling sexy. I saw men telling about times they'd been flashed by women and how great it was. And one gay man wished he would be flashed so he could give a blowjob!

I just don't fucking understand this world. Men are constantly wanting to get naked with women, and women find that repulsive, scary, funny, etc. And somehow society has decided that women are right, and men who flash their genitals are evil. Why am I just constantly at odds with the world?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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