Eric Raymond #fundie

I’ve been warning since 2002 that the West really is in a war to
defend civilization against Islamic barbarians, and had better face up
to that fact before the consequences of whitewashing Islam as
a “religion of peace” get worse.

If the elites of the West — academics, journalists,
politicians — persist in that denial in the face of evidence,
our near future will be a descent into hell. Conditions in Sweden are
ripe for the rise of a neo-fascist/racialist movement in reaction to
the Islamic threat. In the 1930s, Hitler rose to power in Germany on
the back of a “Jewish threat” that was wholly fictional; dare we
assume that today’s fascists will fail to exploit an Islamic threat
that is all too chillingly real, and gleefully announced by the
Islamists themselves?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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