I’ve been warning since 2002 that the West really is in a war to
defend civilization against Islamic barbarians, and had better face up
to that fact before the consequences of whitewashing Islam as
a “religion of peace” get worse.
If the elites of the West — academics, journalists,
politicians — persist in that denial in the face of evidence,
our near future will be a descent into hell. Conditions in Sweden are
ripe for the rise of a neo-fascist/racialist movement in reaction to
the Islamic threat. In the 1930s, Hitler rose to power in Germany on
the back of a “Jewish threat” that was wholly fictional; dare we
assume that today’s fascists will fail to exploit an Islamic threat
that is all too chillingly real, and gleefully announced by the
Islamists themselves?
"Hitler rose to power in Germany on
the back of a “Jewish threat” that was wholly fictional; dare we
assume that today’s fascists will fail to exploit an Islamic threat
that is all too chillingly real, and gleefully announced by the
Islamists themselves?" So close, yet so far...
"In the 1930s, Hitler rose to power in Germany on
the back of a “Jewish threat” that was wholly fictional; dare we
assume that today’s fascists will fail to exploit an Islamic threat
that is all too chillingly real, and gleefully announced by the
Islamists themselves?"
Wait, that doesn't work. If they're saying the threat isn't real and nobody believes it's real, then why would a fascist movement rise?
Also Hitler didn't use much anti-semitism in his politics until he came to power. He actually rose to power on promises that the Nazi state could overcome all the problems of democracy such as the depression and ineffective government. Hitler came to power due to the weakness of the democratic government that preceded him.
Well, he's right about fascists exploiting the fear of Islam, anyway.
Is Islam a problem? Yes, it is. It's a religion. All religions are a problem. Education is the solution.
Conditions in Sweden? What conditions? We are helping to take care of some of all the millions of Irakis who are homeless, due to the war there. We can see for ourselves that the Muslims are just regular people. Sure, some of them dress funny, and wont eat just any kind of meat, and most of them don't eat anything at all during the days of Ramadan. But hey, we have strange customs too. We (or some of us) eat rotten herrings in August, we don't consider nakedness evil, and on Midsummer's Eve we dance around a leaf-decorated pole with wreaths of flowers on our heads.
The "Jewish threat" was just as fictional as the "Islamic threat". The "Islamists" have their hands full with controlling their own population, as the masses are getting tired of living under an ancient dogma that has little to do with today's world. In response the governments implement sharia laws, to try to crush the oposition. They don't have time to invade western countries, with more advanced technology and warfare.
We should treat immigrants with kindness, respect and tolerance. When they later go back to their native countries, they will have a positive picture of the West, and it will be harder to convince them that the West is the Devil.
In the 1930s, Hitler rose to power in Germany on
the back of a “Jewish threat” that was wholly fictional; dare we
assume that today’s fascists will fail to exploit an Islamic threat
Can this guy seriously not realise what he's saying?
@ Mrs. Antichrist:
> Since 2002, what a surprise. Lemme guess, 9/11 was the first time you even heard of Islam?
Pretty much. Eric S. Raymond used to be a perfectly normal guy and a very respected figure among the computer geek community. Then came 9/11, and he started acting more than a little kookily. This is just one instance.
Conditions in Sweden are
ripe for the rise of a neo-fascist/racialist movement in reaction to
the Islamic threat.
Sweden? Sverige? Really?
I didn't know that kjöttbullar ock Hasselback potatis (Meatballs and Hasselback potatoes) made you fascist but I could be wrong. But then again, if you are raised on surströmming I can understand your anger!
Yeah,,,,You'd really think we could learn the lessons from history. You wanna maybe reread that and see how you could be completely wrong?
The logic doesn't stagger. It just lies there, unconscious.
@Orion: Hitler targeted the Jews from the earliest days of the party in the 1920s. It would be a rare political speech that didn't slam them. It was a theme that played exceptionally well with the public.
Actually he has a few good points.
- Bush called the war a Crusade
- The neo-cons have been using the Islamic scare to keep people in line
- The Islamic scare is what brought in Homeland Security
- Hitler did rise to power "on the back of a Jewish threat"
- We see a lot of Islamic extremists screaming "Death to America" on the news.
So other than calling them barbarians and assuming that all Muslims are extremists, it's not far off the mark.
@ Headache:
Wow, and I thought having to eat Lutfisk once a year was bad.
Nowhere does he say that he supports such a neofascist revolution, meh'd.
I'm hoping that the West will be able to repel the ever growing threat of Islam peacefully, but he is right that there are those who think differently.
The question was 'Most damage caused by a religion' you said something stupid, SURVEY and HISTORY SHOWS,,,,,ding,,,,Number One: Christianity
I was actually acquainted with Eric from a hobby community prior to 9/11. I can't really say he was a friend, because we never were that close, and when I did deal with him, I found him rather tedious.
Jeez, though, I'm glad I've lost contact with him, since he seems to have gobne bat-shit insane.
Wait, what?
First he warns us of impending Islamofascism...
Then he tells us the threats of Islamofascism will be used to set up a Hitleresque fascist state in the West?
Fucked if we do, fucked if we don't?
I don't understand where the hell this moron is going with this, besides deeper into paranoid schizophrenia.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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