Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Latest Noise about Mask Mandate Reversal Proves why we need an Authoritarian Leader"]

Democracy is also an Authoritarian system under its own right, but one where there is no transparency whatsoever[…]different parties, different institutions or agencies, and other vested interests who do not see eye to eye on any level[…]
The FBI, CIA and NSA do not get along, do not all play on the same field but rather view each other as competition and having separate interests

Under a True Authoritarian System, the Leader/Emperor/Head of State must be the Supreme Intelligence Official and Chief, over any other organized body or officials

So in the last day, a Federal Judge in the US by the name of “Kathryn Kimball Mizelle” had overturned the Federal Mask Mandate in the Supreme Court[…]
You would think, under any sane system, that this action would become finalized[…]in a corrupt system like the American Government which has all kinds of layers and corners of different interests, the Department of Justice then comes out claiming they are going to appeal the decision[…]
The absurdity with how much power the CDC has is unbelievable[…]
To be a Center for Disease Control, means that they have control over Disease, which could mean either to prevent, or to cause, or regulate in any which way they want[…]
As I have told you, all Laws are still not really “True” except for Natural Laws, therefore only fools actually believe in things like Laws or Treaties[…]
Healthy Societies, ones which have lasting and prominent status, need a True Authoritarian, not Authoritarian sections of government[…]
It is imperative that such a Leader has rights and authority that supersedes anyone beneath him

People rely far too much on laws and institutions, which makes people lazy and lacking in prudence to elect good leadership



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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