What a f***** mangina Daniel Craig is :
Sad to say I’m actually related to her.
For those unwilling to follow the link, it's a video put out by the Obama White House in which numerous celebrities, one of whom is Daniel Craig, denounce sexual assault. So yeah, theantifeminist is saying you're a mangina if you oppose rape.
You're just jealous that Daniel Craig wears an Omega Seamaster 300 - with a NATO strap - in "SPECTRE".
Y'know who else is an Omega Male? Dr. Buzz Aldrin; in this case, a Speedmaster:
Is he a 'Mangina'...?!
Daniel Craig is a bit obvious. Comparing him to incels is like comparing rotten fruit to a ten course meal. I realized a new comparison that works just as well.
Jack McBrayer is probably what these incels freaks would describe as a more proper mangina. He's semi-effete, has a sparkling voice, and has been some of the most adorable creatures this side of Benjamin Clawhauser (Badili the leopard, Fix-It Felix Jr., Wander, Kenneth the page.) I am not even close to sure of his sexuality, but whatever it is, I am almost 100% certain he gets copious amounts of whatever it is he prefers. Why? Because he is adorable, kind, and has loads of charm.
I'm sure 007 is weeping into his vodka martini. Or he's laughing his ass off, when he's not banging Rachel, that is.
This loser's envy is palpable.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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