I have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist, saved only by the Grace of Jesus Christ. She has told me on more than one occasion that the ABOMINATION of ABORTION is Satan’s greatest victory!
As the world’s creator of chaos, mayhem, and misery, Satan possesses an unquenchable thirst for blood, and human sacrifice is his daily fix for this voracious addiction. Unfortunately, to realize the maximum potential from this sordid blood ritual, the younger the victim the better- the innocent unborn children of God.
Indeed, a most dangerous place for young human beings today can be in their mother’s womb. I truly fear for the very souls of all those who support and perpetuate this black magick witchcraft of Infanticide – 58 million little children destroyed, and counting in the U.S. – not to mention the subsequent devastating psychological problems so many women suffer as they come to grips with the fact that they helped to murder their own child!
Well, excuse me for not believing you, but I'm fairly certain that Satanists believe in freedom, individualism, free will, etc. Not slaughtering babies unlike your blood-thirsty god.
Wow, Godwin this early in the morning?
She told you that, now did she? Did she also give you any winning lottery numbers or Satan's home address?
See, I think she was BS'ing you, and like all good christers, you swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
And if god is going to TRY and slaughter America, why would we possibly want to worship him? Unless it' s like a protection racket deal.
You have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist? Has she gone back to Satanism again, or what? Perhaps English is not your strong-point, and neither are anatomy and reproduction, for that matter.
The womb has always been a very dangerous place, stupid. Somewhere between 50 and 80 percent of all fertilized eggs are spontaneously aborted. I'd say that today we can save about as many risky pregnancies as we abort fetuses that would otherwise have killed the woman. Those two combined might make up about the amount of abortions made because the woman can't or won't have a child right now. All in all, today it's less dangerous than ever before to be in your mother's womb.
58 million and counting, since when? The dawn of time? The arrival of the Mayflower? The Declaration of independence?
They helped murder their own child? This sounds like the decision was made by someone else, over the head of the poor woman.
So she switched to the side which follows a deity who provokes far more miscarriages than the number of abortions which take place every year. Indeed, while most abortions (at least in the US) are chosen, women who suffer unwanted miscarriages by definition have not choice in the matter. Considering that, it becomes really hard to determine which side is the "right" side."
That's part of why I don't bother with either side.
"I have a friend"
(Oh, boy. Here we go..)
"..who was a former hard core Satanist."
Well, you have an imaginary friend up in the sky. Why not a few down here on Earth?
These people always seem to have a "friend" who was gay, or a Satanist, Atheist, communist, Islamist, and every other "ist" that they don't like. Yet miraculously they always get saved and become ardent, not to mention straight, Christians.
Their lying for Jesus is completely shameless.
Actually, if your friend even existed, she was just an attention seeker. So are you. In fact, you're actually a cunt.
"not to mention the subsequent devastating psychological problems so many women suffer as they come to grips with the fact that they helped to murder their own child!"
Bullshit. Another myth you people made up.
I have a friend who used to be a hard core christian and she told me that there is a secret church plan, written in crayon, that they are going to convince everyone to hate gays, atheists, scientists, and liberals by posting on the internet in about their "friends" who are actually made up and imaginary.
Man it must be nice to have such an array of friends from all walks of life. I mean gays, heritical minorities, muslims, jews, atheists, that one guy from accounting.. and they ALL turned xtain.
I have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist
Lying for Jesus is still breaking the 9th Commandment...
As the world’s creator of chaos, mayhem, and misery, Satan
According to your belief (and the Bible) it wasn't Satan who created that at all...
innocent unborn children of God.
According to your belief (and the Bible) no-one is innocent...
3 lies in quick succession... I believe you lot often call Satan the "Father of Lies", do you not? Nice to see you're following God, eh?
She has told me on more than one occasion that the ABOMINATION of ABORTION is Satan’s greatest victory!
I guess that slipped Jesus' mind, since he never mentioned abortion.
"Indeed, a most dangerous place for young human beings today can be in their mother’s womb."
If you are going to claim blastocysts and embryos are babies, ask yourself what place other than their mother's womb is more safe? Granted, if the young person is 6 or 7 years old, their mother's womb would be a very dangerous place to be.
I have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist
Funny how it's only fundies who either know, or who were former baby killing hardcore Satanists.
As a pro-choicer I must really be missing out then. I mean, I've never been to any Satanic black magick rituals involving human sacrifice. I'm feeling kind of left out here. Somebody apparently forgot to send me a memo.
If you want to talk about baby killing, well your God is all for that. You know, the numerous times God commanded Israel to slaughter everything alive, that included babies. He also seemed fond of having pregnant women ripped open and having infants dashed against stones too.
Just sayin...
She has told me on more than one occasion that the ABOMINATION of ABORTION is Satan’s greatest victory!
Ok, let me guess:
she also told you Satan's second greatest victory is gay marriage.
His third greatest victory is Obamacare.
His fourth greatest victory is so-called big government.
His fifth greatest victory is attempts at gun control (only victorious outside the US).
His sixth greatest victory is the Theory of Evolution.
His seventh greatest victory is the Mexican border.
His eighth greatest victory is the "liberal" press and education in general.
His ninth greatest victory is all music that is not from Dolly Parton, Pat Boone or Perry Como.
Funny, then, that one of the few hard-and-fast rules Satanists abide by is that they should never harm children, and anyone who does deserves death.
But what do you expect from people on a site that quotes the long-debunked "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? They even dusted off the old Satanic Panic urban legends, and pretty much every lie & fictional story about everything that frightens ultraconservative, white Christian men.
Ah! This, I see, originates from the type of inner world where humour struggles for existence. If there is any thing that resembles what we ordinary mortals call humour in this desolate inner world, then it's probably a desultory, wan amusement similar in tone to the sort of bleak musing that Glenn blurts on to the internet and is most likely indistinguishable from his hysterical ranting anyway.
I say that because, putting to one side the arguments about abortion, it's difficult to know what to say about the inner turmoil and desperate flailing of someone who appears to be mentally disturbed.
"Indeed, a most dangerous place for young human beings today can be in their mother’s womb."
...and that's why we must take them out of there as soon as possible! Wait, oops.
She has told me on more than one occasion that the ABOMINATION of ABORTION is Satan’s greatest victory!
Ok, let me guess:
she also told you Satan's second greatest victory is gay marriage.
His third greatest victory is Obamacare.
His fourth greatest victory is so-called big government.
His fifth greatest victory is attempts at gun control (only victorious outside the US).
His sixth greatest victory is the Theory of Evolution.
His seventh greatest victory is the Mexican border.
His eighth greatest victory is the "liberal" press and education in general.
His ninth greatest victory is all music that is not from Dolly Parton, Pat Boone or Perry Como.
awesome post. made me laugh. i like ole' dolly parton though, but to each his own.
I have a friend who went to buy a '57 Chevy real cheap, ya know? And guess what - it turned out to be a Corvette!
And hanging from the door handle...was...a HOOK!!!
She had a beehive hairdo, and black widows were living in it.
"the subsequent devastating psychological problems so many women suffer as they come to grips with the fact that they helped to murder their own child!"
Oh, you must be talking about how studies have shown that the great majority of women feel a great deal of relief post-abortion and never suffer any issues of guilt whatsoever--despite your best efforts, you misogynist fetus-worshipping creep.
ETA: Philbert's comment cracked me up!
"I have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist,"
Translation: I met someone who made a living pretending to be a former Satanist and she was nice to me.
Looks like I am not the only one to doubt your story. Satanist dont believe in a gawd. They are actually agnostic/atheist. The satanism is a philosophy of life, and sort of a sarcastic jab as xianity....who actually believe there is a devil running around with horns and a pitchfork. Your description of a satanist sounds more like the belief of satan from an xian perspective, not a satanist perspective.
I have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist, saved only by the Grace of Jesus Christ. She has told me on more than one occasion that the ABOMINATION of ABORTION is Satan’s greatest victory!
No, you don't. That's a lie.
Uh huh... Well however many pregnancies are aborted there will always be more that end in miscarriage, so seems god loves himself some dead zygotes and embryos. Why would Satan love abortion when all the aborted "souls" go to heaven, anyway?
IIRC, In France, there is as much miscarriages as abortions. 25% each of each pregnancies. Which means that 50% of pregnancies end badly for the foetus in my country.
"a most dangerous place for young human beings today can be in their mother’s womb" is therefore true. It doesn't mean that the rest of the diatribe makes any sens, of course.
The only devastating psychological problems women have after having abortions are the guilt trips put on them by the anti-abortion crowd who call them murderers. If it were seen as the simple medical procedure that it is, then there would be no issues with women enduring psychological problems. But the "pro-life" crowd only cares about punishing the hussy for having sex and punishing her for terminating her pregnancy.
I have a friend (a real friend) whose daughter had an abortion. She later attended some Catholic group who made her pray for her aborted baby, give it a name, and have a funeral for it. Talk about creepy vultures. Way to make people feel even worse for their choice than they already do by driving home the idea that they killed their child.
"Why is it that these guys always play the "I was the worst person EVER, but I was saved by the grace of Jesus Christ!" card? "
Because it's really how they feel. The human brain being what it is, it happens often. Of course, it's not really "the grace of Jeebus" that saved them, just the realization that they were a bag of shit.
Usually, that's the right time for evangelists to strike : you're ready to accept anything to restore your self-esteem, & here comes a full doctrine.
"I have a friend who was a former hard core Satanist"
You have a friend who was a former Satanist? Is she no longer a former Satanist then? Well I can understand the appeal, given a coince between Glenn's company and Beelzebub's.
"She has told me on more than one occasion that the ABOMINATION of ABORTION is Satan’s greatest victory!"
But I have it on the highest authority that Satan's greatest victory was when he convinced Christian men to stop stabbing themselves in the balls with scissors. Yup, every Christian male who does not stab his balls with a pair of scissors at least once a week is succouring the Dark One and bolstering his attack on all that is good and Christian.
Why I'd bet that it's the lack of ball-stabbing by Christian men that led to the levels of abortion we see today.
And you hate abortion, don't you Glenn? You know what to do.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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