I am so looking forward to visiting the museum. In fact,I hope when Jesus returns to take his followers out of this world, He finds me spending the day there, enjoying the wonderful story of His Creation and the Gospel.
@ burnt bush:
I think the fundies forgot Jezus isn't white. Imagine the look on their faces when he comes down (not that he will, but he, fun to imagine).
What's the deal? When did all of America's stupid move to Cincinnati?
LOL! I imagine it's always been here, but Ken's Stupid Funhouse is bringing them out from their trailer parks.
"Wonderful story?" God said "ok, I create," for no real reason, and it was all as he said instantly. Um... whoopee?
Then we have a massive, rapid expansion of time and space, matter and energy, the origin of which is still an intreguing mystery. Over billions of years, the debris of this expansion formed the stars and planets of the millions of galaxies in the universe. On one of these planets, a lifeform would eventually arise that was capable of looking at its surroundings and figuring out this "story" of creation. The whole process is brilliant, epic, violent, beautiful, born of the interaction between the destructive and creative forces of nature.
Now, which story is really worthy of wonder?
OK, you go stand in the Hall of Ham until Jesus returns. That'll keep you out of the way of the more reasonable folks. Eventually you'll become too old and weak to remain, and the Hammies will have you removed, but it'll be a nice respite for the rational people.
Yeah, I find that amusing. If Jesus ever did come back, most of his most "devout" followers would either:
a.) Toss him on his ear, screeching about "homeless hippy" and "godless commie lib!" or...
b.) Have him "randomly" selected at the airport for security screening, and then have him escorted to Guantanamo Bay.
She'd run out of money long before then. At which time she'd be tossed back in our presence.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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