I see you've threatened suicide for attention, caamib. Now most commenters here might already be aware of this but I don't take that sort of thing lightly. Jokes about death and the like always make me uncomfortable and I don't consider suicide a laughing matter. I support the right to die for the suffering, but I am vehemently against ideas like eugenics and social darwinism where other people decide the value of lives. I want us to be clear on this before you read what I have to say next.
I fucking dare you.
All you do is hurt people. When you see people suffering you gleefully tell them to hurt themselves further to make you feel better. When you see people on the edge you give them a kick and tell them to take as many people out as they can before they hit the bottom and splatter. Every fucking day you threaten to harm others, goad others into inflicting harm, You gain pleasure from the suffering of others and act like the victim when they aren't having any of it. When there is a way out, when there are people who cared, when anything resembling the happiness of a human being drifts into your sight whether your own or anyone else's you waste no time deliberately sabotaging it.
So go on and end it already. You've consistently chosen against living so far so why not go all the way?
You know what's stupid, Sexless Coconutsack? Well everything you say is gut-wrenchingly moronic but for the sake of argument let's say I've narrowed it down to one thing.
If women were anything like what you say they are - and I mean even in the slightest bit the emotionless opportunistic predators you imagine them to be, but are still adamant that one has to be with you the rest of your life hovering over you like a constant threat you must be vigilant against at all times - you would have far better luck. Your repugnance would be the non-issue you pretend it ought to be.
Let's look at your darling Frankenstein Schmidt and what he did to make his bride. He went south of the border looking for women who could barely understand a word he said to them and BRIBED one into a marriage. I can guarantee if she wanted anything to do with that raging shitprick she wasn't a pure flower of morality. She couldn't have given much of a shit about his disgusting personality if she tried with their limited ability to communicate and was clearly more focused on improving her standing in life and she was willing to put up with put up with a fairly high amount of shit to see it done. You know, that Looks/Money/Status thing "incels" "Red Pills" "MGTOWS" and other loveless bastards keep bitching about and saying because of it (and not a disconnect between personalities) men don't have a chance with women? Well that is exactly why it worked for Schmidt. He found a woman that actually was rating men on it unlike every woman who ever turned him down previously and they became your twisted idea of a relationship: Two people who couldn't give a damn about the other as long as they got what they wanted in the end and basically agreed to tolerate each other in the meantime.
And he's still a bitter psychopath that wants the world to burn and makes monsters like you to do it for him.
The living corpse tending his home he's got on a leash, that thing he wants you to believe is the culmination of a man's life? SHE DOES NOTHING TO MAKE HIM HAPPY. He's still raging about sexual frustration, utterly insecure about his position in both the household and society, afraid every minute his wife will leave him if she catches even a whiff of a better deal, tries to use fear and coercion to keep his sham of a life together forever paranoid that any minute everything he has worked towards - despite not gaining an ounce of satisfaction from any of it - will be ripped from his hands and he will be nothing because he can't find value to his life without his strictly maintained self-image even when he values nothing about it. That's what you look up to? I'm looking down and I am not impressed.
So go on. Escape the misery. You can follow the footsteps of a man who is as pathetic as you despite being everything you want to be, coming up with advice that is the exact opposite of what you need in every possible respect, finding meaning only in contempt and loathing... Or you can just let it all go and be at peace.
Let it all go and live or just curl up and finally die. Your choice. Either one is better than what you're doing now. Chances are I'll feel a twinge of guilt if I read this again with a lower blood alcohol content (so much for that resolution) but right now I mean every word of it.
Why don't I pretend for next few minutes to be the psycho you love telling everyone I am? Would that make it easier? You're constantly saying we want you dead, the world is trying to kill you, women will kill you but you'll also die without a woman... so why not show us a world where you're right? Plenty of ways to go about it. A long fall leaves a lot of time for regret so be sure you actually mean anything you've been telling yourself. Bleeding out takes time too but if you're really at peace with it you just kind of drift off to sleep, like they say pills will do to you. Different ways to poison yourself. Bet you're too lazy to set up a proper noose. If you tried a suicide by cop you'd probably just fuck that up, despite being the only thing you have any motivation to do whatsoever. Chances are they'd just shoot you in the leg and throw you in the slammer, or else the very first attempted victim of your spree will cut you like a bitch. You want to take bets on whether you'll get a memorial at The Brotherhood of Evil or if they'll just shit talk you? Or both maybe, like Elliot Rodger.
So come on. Show me. Make this my fault if you need incentive. Try and hurt me. Oh, oops. That's right, I'm a lunatic. I don't care about you and you don't care what I think... so just talking trash at me isn't going to prove shit.
... Or you know you can just keep on lying. It's what we all expect.