DietCokeAddict & Women1st #transphobia

How to Spot TERF Ideology

( DietCokeAddict )
Lol in particular at the Talking In Person page “the unique danger of terf rhetoric is that it is styled to sound like feminism” no, the “danger” is that it makes far more sense than gender ideology.

And they end with “well, if your TRA arguments don’t convince them, just tell them they’re far right nazis, that should work”

( Women1st )
Holy shit, it is a cult. Who the hell has a pamphlet that provides step by step instructions for conversion?

Usually the group in power labels minority groups. How do you explain calling women “cis,” “cis woman,” “terf,” etc?

The reason you are called TIMs is bc we are NEVER going to accept your appropriation of womanhood. You will ALWAYS be a man. It’s the best way to describe your self-identification and your biological sex.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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