@ Pharaoh Bastethotep
Agreed. Fortunately, I wasn't indoctrinated, I just got so tired of the damn pledge. That and the flood of mindless patriotic gestures after September 11 may be why I'm so unmoved by nearly all patriotic gestures.
Strange: we in Britain have a state religion: the Church of England. Stranger still:
I guess Winston Churchill and Jane Austen are superior to your 'God', then.
Queen Elizabeth II - head of the C-of-E, and is the only one who says what does and doesn't appear on our currency bearing her image on the other side of the above - agrees, don't bother her about it.
Romans 13:1-5 - and in your case, the 1st Amendment - proves you wrong , I'm afraid. he suggesting that if one has a problem with what is on the money, they should stop using money? Because I don't like how "in God we trust" is on money, yet I have no problem with using that money.
Actually, wait a minute now....most people, and I'm pretty sure that would include lawyers, are not paid in actual cash or currency. Hell, I don't even use cash and paper bills that much these days, everything is just on my card.
Let's pay them in Euro instead, then.
Sweden has almost completely stopped using paper and coin currency, we do all our money exchange with cards or mobile phones. Even churches accepts donations by mobile phones. Absurdly enough, we have just had a huge currency exchange. No-one uses physical currency any more, but we've spent millions of kronor to hand in the old coins and bills, and produce and hand out the new. A couple of billion of now useless kronor is still missing, probably laying around, forgotten, in people's drawers and attics.
Do you only hire people who agree with you on everything? Oh wait. That's exactly what your kind try to do.
And we're fixing the things you broke one issue at a time. Schools & government are well ahead of money in the queue.
@Man Called True
My apologies: but it seems some haven't got the message.
Otherwise they wouldn't need to push their religion in our faces.
And then there would be no need for an FSTDT.
Has the Archbishop of Canterbury been quoted here...?
@ Piling On
... I just got so tired of the damn pledge.
Most of us in high school ('59-'62) had gotten so tired of the Glorious Loyalty Oath
that when it was broadcast in the morning very few people would recite it.
Some mumbled. Lots of us would not stand. Except for one guy, Zeke.
He'd yell it real loud. I just saw him at our 55 year reunion
and we had another laugh over it.
@Shepard Solus
The message in this instance being that, although Queen Elizabeth II is head of our state religion, she doesn't care about any words on the currency which bears her image: certainly even remotely referencing the God she believes in.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat
I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading
The former only appeared on the £5 notes earlier this year. The latter on the £10 notes from next month. Before then, nothing: not even a quote from Charles Darwin on what'll be replaced by the Jane Austen tenner.
Strange then, how there was no need for any irrelevant words on Dollars before 1954, o OP & all your ilk.
Because - and this is the main message that fundies in the US simply can't, won't: or daren't get - the British simply aren't as obsessed about religion as those same fundie nutty buggers are 'across the Pond'.
I've heard a few times from comedians, 'We don't need Jesus: we have the Church of England. '
That being a sarcastic reference to our laissez-faire attitude to religion. After all, just ask the mainly white & Christian voters in London, post-Boris 'Bozo the Clown' Johnson.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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