Gilgamesh if I recall is Islamic folklore. Mohamed didn't exist until 600 years after Jesus and so was born Islam?
Nothing can pre-date the Hebrews they start their history from the Creation of the Earth and with Adam and Eve. Of course if you do not recognise God Created the Universe and the Earth and the animals and then Adam and Eve I can understand why you have difficulty with understanding the Bible.
Gilgamesh is way older than Islam.
Understanding the Bible is one thing. Believing it is another entirely.
Understanding science is also pretty difficult, just like you demonstrated. Now, science produces results way more surely than your so-called sacred text. I will stick to science. Go take a walk on the ocean in the middle of a storm, like your role model. My assumption is that you will rid humanity of your person and thus contribute to its overall betterment.
The Epic of Gilgamesh dates to 3000 - 2500 BCE; in other words, thousands of years before judaism even existed.
BTW: Of course if you do believe that dod created the universe and the Earth and the animals and then Adam and Eve, I can understand why you have difficulty understanding reality.
Of course if you do not recognise observable reality as reality I can understand why you have difficulty with understanding reality. For example Gilgamesh was Sumerian folklore.
It predates Hebrews by about 2500 years. The flood myth of the Hebrews originated in the Gilgamest myth.
Nothing can pre-date the Sumerians they start their history from the Creation of the Earth and with Adam and Eve.
Do I really need to point out that Pagan religions, Buddhism, Hinduism and the religion which provided part of the basis for christianity - Mithraism predate even Judaism by hundreds or (in the case of Paganism, Buddhism and Hinduism) thousands of years?
You people love to believe that you were among the first. The truth is, China figured out how to make underwater explosive mines using dried pieces of animal intestine while Jews were still pounding sand in the desert.
Of the world religions, you are still the new kids on the block. Deal with it.
The Epic of Gilgamesh dates to 3000 - 2500 BCE;
There are fragments that go back much further, back to the pre-Sargonic era, ca. 4000 BC.
Most of the Old Testament dates from around 700BC. The Hebrews picked up a lot of Babylonian lore during the Babylonian Exile and incorporated it into the Bible, including the Flood story. The flood story seems to have been a separate tale that was mingled up with the Gilgamesh Epic somewhere along the way, but very far back, before the Sumerian Ur-III period.
Nothing can pre-date the Hebrews they start their history from the Creation of the Earth and with Adam and Eve.
I can understand why you have difficulty with understanding the Bible.
I can understand why you have difficulty with understanding reality.
OP's take on history is the core reason for the creationist movement; no history prior to the torah can be tolerated to exist, especially anything in the way of artifacts, fossils, etc, since that belies genesis, and ergo, belies the entire infallible wurd o' gawd holey babble.
Gilgamesh predates ALL of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) by thousands of years.
Gilgamesh was a very ancient, PAGAN, Mesopotamian myth. It was put to clay tablet well over 4000 years ago!
Along with the Hindu Rig Veda, it's THE OLDEST known writings out there!
You are an idiot & your timelines are all wrong! MAJOR HISTORY & RELIGION FAIL!
I've heard an explanation for the Sumerian flood story. If you assume the Flood actually happened, then the Sumerian account was likely based off of oral histories of the actual Flood itself. The reason for the similarities isn't that one text was based on the other, but that both texts describe the same event.
"Whaddaya say, partner? Things are pretty quiet today. Why don't we start our history?"
"Well, OK I guess. What'll we do?"
I wouldn't say I have difficulty understanding the Bible, it's more a difficulty in understanding how human adults can believe in a literal six day period 5,000 to 6,000 years ago in which the universe and everything in it were created. And also talking snake, rib-woman, dirt man, the sun "standing still in the sky," etc.
I think you need to read up on both the history of mythologies and the history of the world, dearie. Islam didn't exist when Gilgamesh was written, neither did Christianity. There are several other creation stories that predates the Hebrew one, ya know.
You do know that you can understand things without believing in them, right? I understand the stories of Tolkien and Astrid Lindgren, but I don't believe they were true.
Who created your God, by the way? Doesn't he predate the Hebrews?
The Epic of Gilgamesh date from the 18 century BC (that's about 2400 years before islam was regurgitated from the mind of some illiterate goat herder), so it can't be islamic folklore.
Nothing can pre-date the Hebrews they start their history from the Creation of the Earth and with Adam and Eve.
And yet we have cave paintings that are older than that.
Gilgamesh, if you recall wrong, was born LONG before any other folclore, in a place that is NOWADAYS majoritarily muslim country, but it's not part of the muslim folclore. How much research fail do we have to stand?
You are only off by a few thousand years and the Epic of Gilgamesh is Sumerian not Islamic. It was written long before the Bible.
Now go read it very very slowly. After you are done pick up a Bible and read the story of Noah.
Oldest known copy of which fragments survive is from about -1800. The original is probably MUCH older that than.
The Sumerian Civilization dates from about -4000 and is the original source of Gilgamesh. It probably evolved, like most epic poems, over centuries. Sumeria was the oldest literate civilization, from which writing spread to the Egyptians, Hebrews, and Greeks over millennia.
* I use dates from the Extended Gregorian Calendar in which the positive years are the same as in the standard Gregorian system, but the negative years follow ordinary arithmetic. Thus the year before 1 EGC is 0 EGC, and so forth. In other words, 100 EGC = 100 AC = 100 CE, while 0 EGC = 1 BC or 1 BCE, and -100 EGC = 101 BC = 101 BCE.
Muslim? Really? What ass did you pull that out of? "Durr it's from the Middle East it must be Islamic." Yeah your religion is from the Middle East too dumbass.
I always find this funny because they don't want to accept that Judaism isn't the oldest thing ever and nothing could have existed before it when in truth an AWFUL LOT existed before it and it adopted much of the popular stories and mythology of the time and area they were from.
The most funny comment I've ever heard from a fundie about this was my girlfriend's ex-roommate. She was convinced Satan had traveled back in time to create Gilgamesh to confuse us and make it look like the Jews plagiarized.
You do not recall.
A lot of things predate the Hebrews, like the Gilgamesh.
The Bible also says that God created the Universe and the Earth and Adam and Eve and then the animals. So yes, I have "difficulty with understanding the Bible".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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