Have the Jews/Canaanites/Phoenicians ever thought that the reason why they were persecuted had a lot to do with how they treated Europeans in Europe? They did not care if they hurt families through usury, enslaved our women, demonized European culture (including the attack on native European polytheism), blasphemed Christ repeatedly, attack wholesome values of honor, purity and community and actively seek to enslave us (Europeans).
If any Jews read this, what in the Hell are you all thinking? Why not actually try and see where Europeans are coming from, people don't randomly dislike others without a reason, especially 100+ nations that evicted Jews. Kindness and consideration go a long way, understand that religion is a means of control (not personal spirituality), stop being used by the will of others and live a life worth living.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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