Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from, Transscript starting around 23:56 and ending around 25:48 of a 36-minute video)

if she really believes, that feminists are physically assaulting trans identifying people in real life, she needs to provide receipts

Taln responded to that with "'gender critical feminists' do not have to go out and beat up trans people. Instead, the transphobic rhetoric spread by the likes of you" - transphobic rhetoric, you mean stating truths like sex is immutable and men whatever they call themselves are on average bigger and stronger than women? That most violent and sexual crimes are carried out by men and that claiming to be a woman doesn't stop violent predatory men from being violent and predatory? That women are being cheated out of places on medals podiums by men who claim to be women? That's transphobic rhetoric is it? "creates a cultural climate where those thuggish men feel empowered to assault trans people and think they can get away with that" show us your workings. This is just an assertion. Thuggish men have always felt empowered to assault anyone on the slightest excuse including gender non-conformity, homosexuality being female... show us specifically how you think women standing up for our rights have made things worse. I mean the implied argument here is, that if we would only go along with the lie, if we accept any man who says he's a woman as if he is in fact a woman, if we welcome such men into our spaces ignoring our own discomfort, fear and distress, if we applaud them when they beat real women in sports events, then thuggish men won't feel empowered to assault trans-identifying men because thuggish men totally care about what feminists think and say, don't they?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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