Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
This Election was a disgrace, everything was geared by Republicans toward Election Day and then, when it finally came around, the Republican machines were systematically broken. They should at minimum redo the Arizona Election.

( @dg54321 )
@realdonaldtrump Talk talk talk. Whine whine whine. Go shit your drawers and pretend you're anything but controlled opposition you weak faggot.

( @shitkimchi )
@dg54321 @realdonaldtrump Jewsa society is a complete failure shame of faggots africans lgbt mafia trans pedos rednecks and cowards. a bunch of criminals aggressors and losers who die for israel. have been ethnically replaced by africans and hispanos. arlington is a shameless shithole. a place of criminals and losers. criminal grandparents who died for the israel mafia. a complete shithole of lies deception and useful idiots. jewsa is the land of the Holohoax lie. 911 done by israel and everyone keeps quiet. if the criminals from jewsa who attacked germany and japan then would see jewsa now they die in an instant: a communist shithole ruled by israel and by the lgbt pedophilia mafia, a land completely racial ethnic replaced. communist education fag children pedophiles rule the jewsa, negros and hispanos are the majority now. tv channels and press controlled by israel. a total communist and finished land. most of central south american countries are far better now than the jewsa in all aspects. usa is a finished shit. a communist shitplace like china. the jewsa stars criminal flag are communist israeli stars. just a criminal wasteland without sovereignty controlled by israel.

( @sailboat22 )
@realdonaldtrump traitorous swine rigged and stole 2020 and 2022
Punishment for treason is death. All those involved at any level must be hanged by the neck until dead!

( @14W )
@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites never cease in their unethical behavior.

( @Cdust42 )
@realdonaldtrump No shit ! We already know their was cheating just like in 2020 .Biden is not the president!!



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