(Picture of Anonymous)
1. I don't know who the upper left is supposed to be. A younger Rachel Dolezal? If so, I'm pretty sure you'd find very few people of any social or political bent to agree that she's black - that was only ever a bludgeon to beat straw Liberals with.
2. I'll leave it up to Caitlyn Jenner to decide if her past self counts as male or not.
3. Elizabeth Warren has never made a big deal of her ancestry as far as I know. Maybe I missed something.
4. Is that supposed to be Chris Christie? If so, I can see some Repubs thinking him traitor just because he was friendly with Obama. That's a pretty stupid reason, but as long as they're doing things for stupid reasons, I'll give them that.
The Irish were once known as the "blacks" of Europe.
Besides, few black people are actually black, most of them are brown. Few white people are actually white, most of us are pinkish or olive or beige or yellow.
What does it matter to you how others define themselves? A friend is a friend, whether it's a man or a woman, a tall or a short person, with long or short hair.
Is that supposed to be Chris Christie? If so, I can see some Repubs thinking him traitor just because he was friendly with Obama. That's a pretty stupid reason
But since Obama was the Nazi Muslim Marxist commie antichrist, that's a pretty good reason in their eyes. Any cooperation at all with those people they think hate America and want to destroy it means you're a RINO at best and traitor at worst. And plus, Obama is black.
@Dark Phoenix
Notice that Warren was made fun of for that, because she wasn't "Indian enough". Yet it's the conservatives who think that a teeny tiny fraction of negro ancestry makes a person "Black". Contrast the treatment of Warren with eight years of the treatment of Obama, who even had a spurious religion ascribed to him because of his ancestry.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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