The left is always stealing Christianity's symbols, concepts, and language and reinventing them under their own banner--for example, the rainbow, stolen by the homosexuals.
Case in point: The phrase "politically correct." Yes, ironically, it too was stolen from us.
The alleged politically correct are neither biblically nor politically correct. One cannot be truly politically correct without being biblically correct. Politics cannot be severed from religion anymore than morality can be severed from legislation. One's political persuasion is a reflection of his morality (or, more often than not, his immorality) and one's morals determines his religion. Thus, applied politics is applied religion and applied religion is applied politics.
It is therefore imperative that we get our religion correct that we might get our politics correct
the rainbow, stolen by the homosexuals.
I don't see anywhere where Christianity has a trademark on the rainbow.
One cannot be truly politically correct without being biblically correct.
Even when you're telling Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and atheists that they're all going to burn in Hell because they're not practicing Christianity? How is that politically correct?
<One's political persuasion is a reflection of his morality (or, more often than not, his immorality) and one's morals determines his religion. >
So true. My political persuasion is to support whichever politician seems likely, on review of the facts, to provide the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.
I've applied this same morality to determining my religion, which is one of the main reasons I'm an atheist.
The right is also stealing Christianity's symbols, concepts and language, and reinventing them under their own banner.
RELIGION owns them, not politics, stupid.
If "politically correct" was yours, why do you hate it so much? It simply means treating others with a modicum of respect; what's so wrong about that?
I'd say you can't be biblically and politically correct at the same time; you have to choose one or the other. It’s also hard to be morally correct and biblically correct at the same time, or morally correct and politically correct at the same time. Politics simply isn’t a morality platform. It’s a “get things done” concept.
You failed to grasp the concept of "separation of church and state" in your social studies in school, didn't ya dearie?
Oh, move to Daesh-land; you seem to have much in common with them!
for example, the rainbow, stolen by the homosexuals.
..which was stolen from other, much older religions than Judaism.
"The left is always stealing Christianity's symbols, concepts, and language and reinventing them under their own banner--for example, the rainbow, stolen by the homosexuals."
Easter - Eostre . Christmas - Winter Solstice festival .
Prove that the 'Flood', 'Ark', Noah & co. actually existed first.
And not seeing '©' & '' God on any rainbow when the sun comes out after a rain shower, therefore that makes the Rainbow as Public Domain as it's possible to be.
...oh, and as for 'Politics cannot be severed from religion':
image image
Then the IRS would like a word with you & all your ilk concering that rather sizeable chunk of the nearly $17 quadrillion owed in back-taxes - with interest - since 1776
No Representation without Taxation.
Now you want the church to steal back the rainbow? You mean that thing that, like homosexuality, is a natural phenomenon? I'm sure there were rainbows before biblical times. And there were offensive assholes before biblical times. And both of them are still around.
We've had many decades of YOUR form of political correctness. To go back to that is to return to the days that an atheist dwelt in the closet, because it's not a politically correct position to confess in public. No thanks.
Was te rainbow not in the Jewish bit of the bible? You know. Bible I, this time its personal?
My workmates and I saw a rainbow the other day and we were talking about how the fundies are butthurt about the LGBT community "stealing" their rainbows. Ha ha.
>The phrase "politically correct." Yes, ironically, it too was stolen from us.
Christians were politically correct before it was mainstream, and cool.
> Politics cannot be severed from religion
Seriously? You think that that's a selling point? For either? It's a feature, not a bug, right? One of the most useless things humanity has pulled out of it's collective ass, cannot be severed from the other most useless thing.
>I'm sure there were rainbows before biblical times.
Well according to the Bible, it was a gift from God, to Noah:
Also, morals determine religion? Since when? Beliefs, or lack thereof, determine one's religion. If you don't believe that a magical entity used an 8th level conjuration spell to create the world 6000 years ago, then you don't believe it. It doesn't matter what moral impulses you have at that point, they can't make you believe something that is not evidently true is true.
Oh no, the "left" hasn't stolen "political correctness". There's too many idiots crying about political correctness on the left to credit that theory.
You'd be surprised at how many "liberals" get their politics from South Park.
Seriously? Christians bitching about people stealing their shit?
Happy Winter Solstice, you thieving Christian bastards! For a religion so opposed to Paganism, you sure stole a lot of our shit!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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