Various commenters #transphobia

RE: Anybody else feel like autogynephilia is just a formal term for the obvious?
( hellamomzilla )
They're called perverts.

And, another reason not to give Blanchard and the other sexologists the time of day is they want to normalize fetishes and make women in society participate, against their wills, in these sick men's performance out in society.

And if some man is pretending to be a woman, he's likely got a long list of fetishes. Tell me again why I have to pretend that these men are like me, like my mother, like my daughters, like my friends, like every actual woman on the planet? Because no one wants to actually step up and tell these men that they're mentally ill and/or sexually creepy and they should try to do something about it because they're menaces to society.

( notyourfetish )
This a thousand times. They're just perverts.

Also, inversion theory has been a thing forever, though it was used to dismiss masculine women as "men" born in the wrong body.

It's all so sexist.

( hmimperialtortie )
Well said.

The irony is that if TIMs really had ladybrains and female socialisation they wouldn’t be the disgusting perverted brutes they are. Their behaviour would be entirely different.

( shewolfoffrance )
I've thought this so many times. If Lia Thomas had a ladybrain, he'd be too embarrassed, too apologetic to even think of poking his head in the women's locker room, let alone hoover up awards meant for women.

( hmimperialtortie )
Exactly. Their behaviour is proof that even if ladybrain existed, they don’t have them.

( TransWidow )
Yes, this. Having divorced one, I can tell you that AGPs aren't always just run-of-the-mill perverts. They do have dysphoria, they do think they're born in the wrong body, they do have psychiatric problems beyond paraphilia, they do have a bunch of tortured explanations as to why they are women, they do want to transition.

I think the insight was not that some men are perverts, but that the only possible motivation for straight men who want to transition is AGP, since transition makes their life harder in nearly every way. At least gay men (while I still don't think they should transition) remain somewhat able to date who they're attracted to after transition.



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